[Abstract]:At present, the wireless communication network system is divided into public network and private network. Private network and public network have different market positioning, but also public network communication can not be replaced by a field. The main representative of the private network communication system is the interphone communication system. Due to the high cost of the digital interphone in the market, the final price remains high, so there is still a long way to go for the development of the market in the field of digital interphone in China. The main research content of this paper is to design and implement the digital private network wireless communication system software platform which meets the dPMR communication protocol. The purpose of this paper is to design a set of self-defined software system without using the existing general operating system. To reduce the cost of digital interphone design. Firstly, the whole frame and flow of the system design are given, and then analyzed in detail according to different modules, including protocol stack, keyboard screen module, audio and radio frequency module design and the relationship between each module. The protocol stack is implemented hierarchically from the functions of physical layer, data link layer and call control layer, with emphasis on the implementation of clock extraction algorithm and the design of state machine jump and call control flow. The keyboard screen module mainly carries on the screen display, the keyboard instruction analysis and the processing function realization. Audio module is mainly used to realize voice acquisition and play, data transmission and codec of vocoder, and explain the relation between audio driver and protocol stack. Then the RF module is designed and realized. Finally, the further improvement design of the interphone function is carried out, including the design of the analog and digital dual mode processing flow, the design of the power saving processing process under the dormancy mode, and the realization of the function of the engineering mode. The innovation of this paper lies in the fact that the whole software system is equivalent to a custom operating system, and each module in the system is designed and implemented separately. The cost of designing digital interphone is reduced. It is verified that the system realizes the function of point-to-point communication between interphone terminals.
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