[Abstract]:In recent years, because of its low cost, easy to operate and many other advantages, micro UAV has been developed rapidly in civilian research and application. As an important part of UAV system, UAV earth station has diversified development with its different application environment. With the improvement of portable requirements, it is of great significance to study how to run the ground station software on mobile devices. According to the flight control requirements of a micro UAV, this paper comprehensively analyzes the key technology and main functions of the UAV ground station of the mobile terminal. The design and implementation of mobile client of UAV ground station based on open source APM UAV flight control platform is completed. This paper first introduces the current research status of UAV ground station, analyzes the basic functions and related technologies of UAV ground station, and understands the related contents of APM open source flight control project. The key technologies used in the earth station application development process, such as Android application development technology, MAVLink communication protocol, wireless communication technology and so on, are summarized and analyzed. Then, according to the previous research and analysis work, the paper summarizes the necessary functions of UAV ground station application, and divides the application function into four modules: flight control, flight data, message communication and personal setup. In this paper, the whole design and function of UAV earth station are realized by using Android application development technology. For each function module, the realization mechanism and related technology are introduced. Finally, in a series of experiments, the application of the UAV ground station works well with each part of the system, which can basically meet the flight control of the UAV.
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