[Abstract]:Channel equipment monitoring terminal is an integral part of ground equipment for space station integrated test, control and communication. TT & C communication system is the only system that maintains inherent contact with spacecraft platform, and it is a necessary guarantee facility. For the quality requirements of measuring and control equipment, performance assessment is essential to ensure the normal operation of the measurement and control system. The monitoring terminal mainly completes the management of the channel equipment and the monitoring function of the universal instrument, which can improve the level of the equipment automation management, carry out massive experiments on the task, and ensure the safety of the measurement and control task. This subject has carried on the detailed analysis to the monitoring terminal software function demand, understood the existing channel equipment management situation, proposed the monitoring terminal system software design plan, has defined each function module design request, takes Microsoft Visual C as the development tool. The framework design of monitoring terminal software is presented. The monitoring terminal takes the high performance server as the core, realizes the local control, the remote control and the condition monitoring of the channel equipment through the TCP/IP protocol. First of all, according to the equipment management function, familiar with the working principle of the link equipment, consult the user manual of the channel equipment such as Cortex and frequency converter, arrange the related control instructions, analyze the key technology used in the realization of the equipment management function, according to the automation, The principle of easy to operate and modularization has completed the design of the interface of equipment management, the design and realization of the function modules such as link separation, centralized monitoring of equipment, the state of equipment network connection, parameter configuration and operation log, etc. Secondly, the link test interface is designed according to different calculation methods of link power loss and the design of calculation parameters is used to generate test report. The interface design of the universal instrument monitoring function is completed, and the control parameters of the spectrometer are set up by using the program control instrument (programmable instrument) standard command set (SCPI). According to the spectrum storage format, the NTGraph control is used to realize the real-time display and playback of the spectrum. Finally, based on the test environment of Gigabit Local area Network (Gigabit) composed of the channel equipment monitoring terminal, the controlled equipment and the general control equipment, the software of the station integrated test channel equipment monitoring terminal system is debugged and analyzed. The software can manage the equipment, calculate the power loss of the link and monitor the universal instrument. After debugging and analyzing, the software of the monitoring terminal runs stably, and the operation is convenient and flexible. To achieve the automation of channel equipment and network management requirements.
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