发布时间:2018-11-26 14:37
[Abstract]:With the advent of big data era and the rapid growth of data set capacity, frequent pattern mining based on parallel / distributed computing has obvious advantages over traditional memory and node constrained technologies in processing large data sets. Under the current background, this paper proposes an efficient association analysis algorithm based on random sampling to find approximate frequent itemsets from large data sets. The core of this algorithm is to select a random sample of data set to mine approximate frequent itemsets. Standard Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms often need to scan the whole data set several times to find specific frequent itemsets, which is bound to pay a high cost of storage and computation for large data sets. In order to mine big data sets more effectively, this paper proposes two new techniques based on random sampling to extract high quality approximate frequent itemsets from transactional dataset samples. A higher probability is given to ensure that the approximate itemset is a superset of the true frequent itemsets in the dataset. In one method, an approximate upper bound of empirical Rademacher complexity based on data set samples is derived by applying empirical Rademacher complexity in computational learning theory and set inequality. Then an approximate upper bound of the upper bound of absolute frequency error of itemsets is obtained by using the relevant conclusions in statistical learning theory. Another method directly uses the deformation of the classical Bernstein inequality to define the absolute frequency error of the item set. Then the PAC learning framework is applied to the analysis of the two frequent itemsets sampling methods. By using the (?, 未) -approximation of the frequent itemsets, the approximate sample boundaries satisfying the integrity of the PAC samples are derived. Finally, the algorithm selects the corresponding data set samples according to the boundary value to mine approximate frequent itemsets. Since the problem of frequent itemsets discovery has been raised, many literatures have been devoted to the research of frequent itemsets discovery methods based on sampling technology. At the same time, with the emergence of single machine serial computing bottleneck, more and more research work is carried out to find frequent itemsets based on parallel / distributed computing platform. The extended experiment in this paper uses both the real retail data set and the artificial data set T10I4D100K. the recall rate of the approximate frequent itemsets returned from the data set sample mining experiment is obtained respectively. The correctness of the method is evaluated from three aspects: accuracy and frequency error estimation. At the same time, the running time of the method is evaluated comprehensively from two aspects: serial computing (based on single computer) and parallel computing (based on Hadoop pseudo-distributed platform). Finally, the performance of different theoretical methods and the requirements of sample space are compared. According to the current knowledge, the empirical Rademacher complexity and Bernstein inequality are applied to the frequent itemset discovery problem based on sampling technique for the first time. A relatively compact theoretical sample boundary is derived by using the relevant conclusions in statistical learning. This boundary is more compact than the frequent itemsets based on VC dimension proposed by Riondato and Upfal, so it has better execution efficiency. At the same time, the sample complexity proposed by our method is the inverse of the approximate error. And the polynomial function of the reciprocal 1 / 未 of the confidence parameter is also PAC's learnable. We use some classical concepts and techniques in computational learning theory to solve a practical problem, which may also be applied to other aspects of data mining.
[Abstract]:With the advent of big data era and the rapid growth of data set capacity, frequent pattern mining based on parallel / distributed computing has obvious advantages over traditional memory and node constrained technologies in processing large data sets. Under the current background, this paper proposes an efficient association analysis algorithm based on random sampling to find approximate frequent itemsets from large data sets. The core of this algorithm is to select a random sample of data set to mine approximate frequent itemsets. Standard Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms often need to scan the whole data set several times to find specific frequent itemsets, which is bound to pay a high cost of storage and computation for large data sets. In order to mine big data sets more effectively, this paper proposes two new techniques based on random sampling to extract high quality approximate frequent itemsets from transactional dataset samples. A higher probability is given to ensure that the approximate itemset is a superset of the true frequent itemsets in the dataset. In one method, an approximate upper bound of empirical Rademacher complexity based on data set samples is derived by applying empirical Rademacher complexity in computational learning theory and set inequality. Then an approximate upper bound of the upper bound of absolute frequency error of itemsets is obtained by using the relevant conclusions in statistical learning theory. Another method directly uses the deformation of the classical Bernstein inequality to define the absolute frequency error of the item set. Then the PAC learning framework is applied to the analysis of the two frequent itemsets sampling methods. By using the (?, 未) -approximation of the frequent itemsets, the approximate sample boundaries satisfying the integrity of the PAC samples are derived. Finally, the algorithm selects the corresponding data set samples according to the boundary value to mine approximate frequent itemsets. Since the problem of frequent itemsets discovery has been raised, many literatures have been devoted to the research of frequent itemsets discovery methods based on sampling technology. At the same time, with the emergence of single machine serial computing bottleneck, more and more research work is carried out to find frequent itemsets based on parallel / distributed computing platform. The extended experiment in this paper uses both the real retail data set and the artificial data set T10I4D100K. the recall rate of the approximate frequent itemsets returned from the data set sample mining experiment is obtained respectively. The correctness of the method is evaluated from three aspects: accuracy and frequency error estimation. At the same time, the running time of the method is evaluated comprehensively from two aspects: serial computing (based on single computer) and parallel computing (based on Hadoop pseudo-distributed platform). Finally, the performance of different theoretical methods and the requirements of sample space are compared. According to the current knowledge, the empirical Rademacher complexity and Bernstein inequality are applied to the frequent itemset discovery problem based on sampling technique for the first time. A relatively compact theoretical sample boundary is derived by using the relevant conclusions in statistical learning. This boundary is more compact than the frequent itemsets based on VC dimension proposed by Riondato and Upfal, so it has better execution efficiency. At the same time, the sample complexity proposed by our method is the inverse of the approximate error. And the polynomial function of the reciprocal 1 / 未 of the confidence parameter is also PAC's learnable. We use some classical concepts and techniques in computational learning theory to solve a practical problem, which may also be applied to other aspects of data mining.