[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the network is deeply changing people's way of life. The basic needs of life, such as clothing, food, shelter and transportation, are permeated by the network. Under this background, this system starts to study the user's space-time data in the network log, extracts the location information and constructs the user's space-time data according to the time division, on the basis of a large number of single user's space-time data. Mining the features of multiple users' data in time and space, analyzing the spatial and temporal characteristics of user data in accordance with the aggregation pattern, and finding the group events in which multiple users participate in a continuous period of time. In this system, a cluster aggregation model based on user trajectory data is proposed to describe the aggregation information from the start time, the end time, the number of participants, the participating users, the aggregation status, and so on. The system clustering operator and discovery algorithm are designed and implemented based on Map Reduce parallel processing model and Spark big data processing engine. Time slicing technique and linear interpolation are used to model the user trajectory, and the canonical and complete user trajectory data are constructed. The DBSCAN clustering algorithm applied to the user location data of a single time slice is designed to obtain the clusters containing user location data and basic information that meet the requirements of density. A crowd discovery algorithm suitable for parallel computing environment is designed and implemented, which can satisfy the characteristics of scale, density, duration and geometric stability. This paper designs and implements an aggregation verification algorithm for discovering user aggregation information on the basis of discovered crowd. On the basis of obtaining the aggregate result, the display platform is designed to display the results in the form of Web. By accessing the plug-in of the GIS service provider, the simple and user-friendly interface is realized. Redis is used as the real-time presentation database. By using its rapid reading and writing features, the real-time presentation of aggregate results is supported. MySQL is used as a historical storage database to store the historical analysis results. Finally, this paper designs the test method of the system, including function test and performance test, optimizes the program in the test process, and achieves the industrial use condition. At present, the system is already in normal operation.
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