[Abstract]:As livestock products are increasingly marketed in the food market, product quality issues have become increasingly a concern for Chinese consumers and even one of the most important criteria for purchasing livestock products. This means that in recent years, livestock product supply has gradually changed from blindly satisfying the quantity of consumer demand to the quality of demand. The traceability system of animal husbandry products can effectively control the spread and spread of the virus in livestock products, is conducive to doing a good job of immunization, quarantine and supervision in the life process of livestock products, and is conducive to the establishment of a sound epidemic prevention system using modern information technology. Quarantine, supervision of convenient window, is conducive to the fundamental control of communication problems, promote the healthy development of the industry. The traceability system for livestock products is based on these requirements. In the process of system construction, UML is used to analyze the whole case, frame diagram is used to describe the whole system framework, sequence diagram is used to describe the system flow, and H diagram is used. The use case diagram realizes the visual analysis of the function module and constructs the system database with the help of the E-R diagram and the table model with the SQL Server2012 database as the development tool. This paper studies, unifies the partial function realization code, then makes the related test to the system function. Based on the system development idea of B / S architecture and using the development framework of Struts and Hibernate, four functional modules, represented by the traceability management of livestock products, are implemented in this paper. In the part of basic management, there are four kinds of management, including division of responsibility, organization, product identity RFID label, product quality problem, livestock slaughtering unit, and application management in product identity RFID label management. Issue management and sign-in statistics management of these aspects. The innovation of this paper lies in the application of RFID electronic product identity RFID tag to the livestock product tracing system, which effectively solves the problem of automatic identification of livestock identity and the digital management of livestock inspection and quarantine information. It effectively solves the problem of preventing livestock inspection and quarantine information falsification and effectively avoids human error in the tracing process of livestock products.
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