[Abstract]:In order to adapt to the flexible changes of business requirements, based on the Artifact modeling platform, In this paper, a method of data operation service automatic generation for business process is proposed. Artifact modeling platform provides a data-centric business process modeling method, which can analyze business process from the data level and make use of automatic generation technology. Through the analysis of the business process model, the workflow system development is carried out flexibly, which makes the system coding more standardized, the business processing process more concise, and the business development time shorter. At the same time, the coupling between business data and business process is greatly reduced, which makes business data and business process independent of each other. The traditional development method of workflow system still needs developers to write a lot of code manually. There are a series of problems such as high labor cost, slow development progress, non-standard code format and so on. In this paper, an efficient method of software development is proposed, which is the automatic generation method of data operation service oriented to business process, which can improve the development efficiency and reduce the development cost. This paper first introduces Artifact technology, JBPM workflow, XML technology and code automatic generation technology. According to the information obtained from the analysis of the Artifact data model, the algorithm automatically generates the functional codes needed for the system to run. Then, from the overall framework of the automatic generation method, four functional modules, namely, model analysis, data persistence layer, page display layer and data control layer, are designed and implemented, and the business process model is analyzed. The realization of the target system is based on different modules in the SSH framework. Finally, the automatic generation method is verified by the target system of the company's financial reimbursement approval process system. Through the analysis of the code generation and the system running, the performance of the target system is tested, and the feasibility and efficiency of the automatic generation method are verified.
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