[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology and multimedia technology and the arrival of big data era, the image data on the network is explosive growth trend, people's daily life is also filled with a variety of image information. How to obtain image information quickly and accurately from massive image data becomes an urgent need. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is the research focus and direction to solve this problem. However, the performance of content-based image retrieval is affected by the semantic gap between the underlying features of the image and the understanding of the image upper layer. In this paper, image retrieval technology is studied from two aspects: the first part is image retrieval based on multi-feature fusion, and the second part is image retrieval based on SVM (support vector machine) correlation feedback. The main work is as follows: (1) A multi-feature fusion image retrieval algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the method of feature extraction from the bottom layer of the image is studied. An image is described as a whole, and the feature GIST, of the global image is extracted. Then, the similarity measure method is used to find the matching image similar to the query image in the scene in the database. Then the local SIFT (scale invariant feature transformation) feature of the scene similar matching image is extracted from the local feature of the image. The local SIFT feature of a set of images is several feature points. So the point pair matching algorithm based on BBF (Best Bin First) search algorithm is used for SIFT feature point matching. Finally, the retrieval results are returned according to the number of SIFT feature points of the query image and scene similar matching image. Image retrieval is realized by fusion of GIST features and SIFT features. The performance of the fusion algorithm is compared with that of the single feature algorithm. The experimental results show that, The performance of multi-feature based retrieval algorithm is better than that of single feature based retrieval algorithm. (2) based on traditional content-based image retrieval, image retrieval based on SVM correlation feedback is studied. The idea of machine learning is added to image retrieval. After discussing the technology of correlation feedback and support vector machine, the traditional method is used for image retrieval, and then the retrieval is carried out according to SVM correlation feedback technology. The result is in accord with the user's search intention. The experimental results show that the image retrieval based on SVM correlation feedback has achieved effective retrieval results and has certain practical value in image retrieval.
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