[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, in the field of product design, the design which aims to meet the basic functional needs is gradually changed to focus on the emotional needs of users. In recent years, the great development of virtual reality and body sense interaction technology has also created more rich and diverse ways for computer-aided product design, greatly improving the efficiency of product design and human-computer interaction friendliness. Based on the theories of human-computer interaction and computer graphics, and based on Kinect platform, this paper develops a kind of body interaction system (Somatosensory Aided Shape Interaction, (SASI),) based on behavior recognition and virtual reality technology. In order to increase the operability and usability of the product design system, it is significant to introduce the technology of body feeling into the product design system, which is helpful to enhance the interactive experience of the product design system. The framework of the SASI system is built, and the basic elements of the SASI system are obtained by analyzing the functional and non-functional requirements in product design and human-computer interaction. The design of the system scene, the establishment of the hierarchical logical relationship between the scenes, the analysis and design of each sub-scene and their interfaces, the study of the effect of each scene setting and implementation of the function; Based on the principle of graphic correlation, the spatial information of intersection is obtained by the integrated calculation of ray tracing and collision detection algorithm. Through the coordinate transformation of the related data, the coordinate of them in the corresponding coordinate system is obtained, and the function of interacting with the UI control of the SASI system is completed. A stable and efficient motion search and recognition algorithm with high similarity is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of the existing motion recognition algorithms. The depth data stream and bone data stream of Kinect are used to obtain the information of related joints, and the ratio of structural feature vector modules and the structural feature angle are defined by this information, and the stable feature quantity of the relevant data is obtained to describe the target action. The correlation between variables is analyzed and the correlation vector data is input to the improved BP neural network for learning. Then the complete model of the behavior recognition algorithm is established and the validity of the extracted feature vectors is verified. The extraction method of feature vector and the learning of neural network are the key of the algorithm. The functions of man-machine interaction module of SASI system are studied and realized. The interaction principle of Kinect hardware and SASI system and the realization method of related interface function are analyzed. This paper studies the working principle and using method of important data flow, including color data stream and deep data stream provided by Kinect API, and obtains joint position information and rotation information through Kinect data stream. Thus the recognition of human target behavior and gesture interaction to SASI system are completed. Finally, the man-machine interaction function of each module of SASI system is realized based on the above research and verified by an example.
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