[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer and network technology, Internet technology is gradually affecting the traditional industries, especially in education and learning, the use of the Internet to assist teaching is becoming the mainstream trend worldwide. With the development of online education system based on MOOC, famous colleges and universities at home and abroad have built their own network teaching platform one after another, so that students can complete their study plan at any time and anywhere. From sharing learning resources to curriculum projects, the development of network teaching is promoting the transformation of traditional education methods. Based on this background, this paper combines the teaching needs of higher education, adopts the Internet thinking and technology, designs and develops the web-based teaching platform and its video-on-demand system based on the campus network environment. The traditional VOD system mostly uses C / S mode, the user directly requests the service to the server, therefore will be limited by the bandwidth resources, the server resources, when encounters the large-scale concurrent access, often will have the significant influence to the service quality. The availability and reliability of the system pose a serious challenge. In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces the peer-to-peer network (Peer toPeer) technology and uses BitTorrent protocol to change the mode of user communication from centralized C / S mode to P2P mode. In this communication mode, the more nodes request video, the more nodes provide video, and the faster the speed of resource sharing. First of all, the paper makes a detailed and in-depth investigation on the related technologies involved in the construction of the network teaching platform, including Blackboard teaching platform, Web development technology, P2P technology, BitTorrent protocol, Mycat distributed database management technology. For the subsequent development, construction and other work to lay a good technical foundation. Then the function, performance and other requirements of the network teaching platform are analyzed, and on this basis, the construction of the network teaching platform is designed in detail, including front-end upload module, video processing module, network teaching module. Automatic conservation module, Tracker server module and Mycat database management module. Finally, each module of the system is developed, implemented and tested. The test results show that the performance of each module has reached the desired results.
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