[Abstract]:Digital image has become an important means for people to obtain and utilize information. However, in the process of acquisition, transmission and storage, digital image will be disturbed by noise to different degrees. In order to get the real image as much as possible, it can meet the requirements of image vision and image quality in practical application. The denoising of digital image is necessary. Image denoising is one of the hotspots in digital image processing. Gao Si noise in image is one of the common noises, for which wavelet transform denoising is a relatively effective denoising method. In this paper, the theory of wavelet transform is deeply studied. Wavelet transform is a good time-frequency transform method and is the crystallization of harmonic analysis. However, in recent years, wavelet transform has been found to be inadequate in the representation of two-dimensional images. In view of the sparsity of coefficients in two-dimensional images and the deficiency of directional detail representation of wavelet transform. In this paper, a new image representation method, shear wave transform, is studied, which can decompose the image scale by Laplacian pyramid and capture the details by pseudo polar lattice. Based on the study of wavelet transform and shear wave transform, the following works have been done: 1. The threshold function related to denoising in one dimensional signal is referenced to two dimensional image denoising. In this paper, the wavelet threshold image denoising is studied. The simulation experiments are done under the VisuShrink threshold by several threshold functions. The comparison of the experimental results shows that the improved soft threshold function is better than other threshold functions. 2. The hard threshold function image denoising under shear wave transform is improved. In this paper, the effect of the scale and direction of shear wave decomposition on image denoising is studied. Through wavelet threshold image denoising, the threshold function of wavelet is used in shear wave transform, and the effect is not good. Therefore, the threshold function is improved, and the hard threshold function is optimized to a certain extent. An improved threshold function image denoising based on shear wave transform with unknown noise is presented. In this paper, the wavelet threshold is applied to image noise estimation under Bayesian framework, and the noise estimation is applied to the hard threshold function of the shear wave and the image denoising under the improved threshold function. An improved threshold function image denoising method for shear wave under unknown noise is presented, and its effectiveness is proved by experimental simulation.
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