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发布时间:2019-01-22 13:22
[Abstract]:High frame rate detection system is increasingly widely used in the field of aerospace exploration. In order to complete the testing and verification of its function and performance, the high frame rate scene simulation system needs to carry out the related semi-physical simulation tests. At the same time, with the development and change of detection technology application environment, there is a growing demand for dual-band and multi-band simulation technology for high dynamic target. In this paper, the spatial composite scene simulation technology of visible light and short-wave infrared dual-band and the function simulation and testing technology of detection system are studied, and the digital scene modeling under the application background of the detection system is analyzed and studied. The key technologies related to physical and optical scene conversion and detection function simulation are designed. The integrated technology scheme of scene simulation and detection system is designed. A semi-physical simulation test verification platform is established and the system comprehensive test is completed. According to the technical requirements of dual-band simulation and detection of high dynamic targets, the main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Based on the background of space debris motion detection, the radiation characteristics of target and background in space exploration environment are analyzed and studied. The mathematical model is established and the method to calculate the radiance of the target and the background is given. The method of using OpenGL to model the digital simulation scene is studied. 2. The hardware characteristic and driving method of DMD are deeply studied, the limitation of common gray level modulation method is analyzed, and a grayscale modulation method is proposed to drive DMD ultra-high frame frequency display high dynamic image. The display frame rate of scene simulation system is greatly improved, and the simulation of high dynamic characteristic target and background is realized. 3. According to the characteristics of DMD projection imaging, an algorithm is proposed to judge and correct the spatial compound precision of dual-band simulation scene. By projecting the image of a specific mode and using the imaging results collected by a wide band camera, the data are analyzed and processed. The mapping relationship between each band DMD micromirror and the pixel position of the projection screen is established to determine the compound precision and correct the scene deviation. 4. The background environment characteristics of space moving target detection are analyzed. According to the different application environment, two different target motion detection algorithms are proposed according to the characteristics of dual-band detection imaging images. At the same time, the scanning and tracking strategy of the detection system is studied, the function simulation of the detection system is realized, and the detection, capture, tracking and measurement of moving targets are completed. 5. The integrated technology of scene simulation and detection system is studied, and the technology scheme of using transmission projection screen to realize spatial recombination of dual-band scene is put forward, and the software and hardware drive of scene simulator is completed. The design of scene simulation system control software and detection system function simulation software, integrated simulation and detection of the detection system semi-physical simulation test platform, The function and performance of scene simulation system and detection system are verified by comprehensive experiments.


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