[Abstract]:The development trend of processors is from high frequency to multi-core. The average desktop PC is expected to reach 24 cores (or 16 cores and 32 threads) by the end of 2017 or early 2018, and the number of CPU cores of mainstream servers will reach more than 12 cores. The large capacity data retrieval system based on lock synchronization mechanism can not play the advantage of multi-core CPU in all aspects. It is often easy to introduce very serious defects in the development process, which increases the risk of serious problems such as deadlock and data competition. At the same time, with the increase of the number of kernels, the performance is seriously decreased, and it is not extensible. In recent years, software developers have begun to study the unlocked (Lock Free) data structure. Using the fine-grained synchronization primitive of CAS, the unlocked data structure can get rid of deadlock and data competition, and more importantly, it is extensible for multi-core. There are also many lock-free-based data structure libraries in the industry. Applying this kind of structure to retrieval system will greatly improve the performance of retrieval. In this paper, based on the improvement of the existing e-commerce commodity retrieval system and the related technology of unlocked data structure, the realization of the large capacity and high performance retrieval system is studied. The specific work can be summarized as follows: firstly, the present situation and development trend of high performance retrieval system are deeply analyzed in this paper. In this paper, the present situation and limitation of data structure in retrieval system are studied, and the problems and challenges of data structure in multi-core computer system are analyzed. The function and significance of studying unlocked data structure on retrieval system are expounded. Secondly, the overall technology of large-capacity high-performance data retrieval system is studied. The components and functions of the retrieval system and the main data structures used are introduced in this paper. The RPC message queue, forward retrieval and inverted retrieval are analyzed in detail. Then, the unlocked structure of RPC message queue, forward row retrieval and inverted retrieval are redesigned, each data structure scheme is determined, and the design and performance test are carried out. This paper presents a new unlocked queue, a constrained waiting hopping list and a restricted waiting free hash table structure by using the lock free CAS technology, and compares it with other commonly used lock methods, and carries out the engineering practice. Finally, these new data structures are applied to mass data retrieval system. Finally, under the working conditions of a single machine, the retrieval accuracy and recall rate of the new and old retrieval systems are tested under the same conditions. The performance improvement of the new retrieval system is verified under the premise of guaranteeing the retrieval accuracy and recall rate of the new retrieval system.
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