[Abstract]:Skeleton is an abstract method to represent 3D model. It can effectively describe and express the topological structure and shape features of the model and save the storage space of the model on the computer. Therefore skeleton extraction technology is widely used in various fields. However, the traditional algorithm still has the problem that the skeleton extraction results are prone to misposition or ignore the detailed features of the model. Based on the research of computer aided cultural relic conservation and restoration and the segmentation technology of 3D point cloud model, a series of research on the skeleton extraction of point cloud model is carried out in this paper. The main work is as follows: (1) A point cloud model segmentation algorithm based on Markov Random Field (Markov Random Filed,MRF) is proposed. In view of the problem that the traditional segmentation algorithm is easy to produce over-segmentation, the Markov random field model is applied to the point cloud model segmentation, and the geometric feature of the point cloud model is used as the prior information. The objective function is determined according to the attribute of point cloud and the correlation of adjacent points, and the optimal label set of points is solved to complete the efficient segmentation of point cloud model. The experimental results show that the algorithm improves the self-adaptability of the segmentation process and the accuracy of the segmentation results on the basis of preserving the features of the point cloud model. (2) an algorithm for extracting the skeleton of the point cloud model based on regional segmentation is proposed. In order to solve the problem that the traditional method can easily cross the region by extracting the skeleton in the close-knit model of adjacent regions, the proposed method generates joint points at the adjacent regions after segmentation. At the same time, the initial convergence neighborhood scale is calculated adaptively in the region, and the skeleton branches of each region are extracted. Finally, the complete skeleton is obtained by connecting the skeleton branches of the adjacent regions. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the computational complexity and iteration times of global iteration convergence, and uses local density to weight point cloud density, reduces the influence of noise points, and ensures the correct topology structure. In addition, by introducing the concept of connection angle and establishing a new connection way to ensure the integrity of skeleton extraction. (3) this algorithm is mainly used in the project of "virtual restoration method of damaged Terracotta Warriors and horses based on global optimization". The skeleton is extracted from the point cloud model of the terracotta warriors, and the skeleton is obtained according to the characteristics of the original model, so as to support the topological structure analysis of the subsequent model and the shape matching and recognition of the cultural relics of the terracotta warriors.
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