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发布时间:2019-02-24 12:32
[Abstract]:The subject of "Comprehensive Measurement and Verification system for Climate observation", which is carried out by multi-unit cooperation, adopts the method of multi-variable joint control to simulate the atmospheric environment, studies the data quality of meteorological instruments and sensors under the simulated environment, and measures the technical means. The design effect of detecting instruments and sensors, the management of metrological verification and so on, and the establishment of scientific and reasonable instrument evaluation methods can provide more powerful meteorological support for national economy and political and military affairs. Based on the demand of this subject, this paper designs and implements the business management system of metrology verification. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and the current development situation at home and abroad, and then introduces the technologies used in the system development, including RS232 protocol, MFC framework, B / S architecture, MySQL database and so on. Then, the requirements of the system are analyzed in detail, and the system design is completed. Finally, the implementation of data acquisition system and data management system is described in detail. The data acquisition system is mainly used to realize the automatic collection of meteorological sensor output data and to store it in a standardized format. Data management system is used to manage sensor verification data, such as system management, data management, announcement management and so on. The data acquisition system is developed on the basis of MFC framework. The upper computer controls the computer to communicate with the data collector Keithley2000 by using the MSComm control. By sending the corresponding SCPI command, the collector completes the automatic data acquisition according to the requirements. After the upper computer acquires the collected data, it is processed and written to the corresponding files in a standardized format. The data management system is based on the Django framework and adopts the B / S three-tier architecture, which is beneficial to the maintainability and expansibility of the system. Based on user rights, a series of data management functions such as input, query, modification and deletion of verification data are realized.


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