[Abstract]:Three-dimensional shape restoration based on two-dimensional image is a cutting-edge problem in computer vision. Shape restoration is an important technique to recover 3D shape from a single image. Its principle is to establish the relationship equation between the shape of 3D surface and the gray value of the image, and to recover the depth information of 3D surface by solving the equation. Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing shape restoration algorithms, this paper proposes an optimization algorithm based on the improved Phong illumination model. The main contents are as follows: (1) the illumination model and projection model in the shape restoration technology are studied. In view of the limitations of traditional shading restoration methods in illumination models, this paper systematically studies the scope of application and shortcomings of the existing lighting models, and proposes an improved Phong illumination model based on this. The Oren-Nayar reflection model is used to replace the diffuse reflection part of the Phong model, which avoids the error caused by the Lambert body model used in the original model to describe the diffuse reflection on the surface of the object. Aiming at the disadvantage of orthogonal projection model used in traditional shape restoration algorithm, a more effective irradiance equation is established by using perspective projection model which accords with the actual camera imaging relationship. (2) the numerical algorithm is studied. The SFS algorithm based on Lambert body model under orthogonal projection and SFS algorithm based on Lambert body model under perspective projection are studied. The principle and process of solving irradiance equation by two algorithms are analyzed. The accuracy and time complexity of the algorithm are analyzed. In this paper, the irradiance equation based on Phong model is transformed into Hamiltonian-Jacobian partial differential equation with depth information. At the same time, the high-order local LF flux splitting scheme and the improved fifth-order WENO scheme are introduced to solve the HJ equation. The accuracy of the HJ equation is optimized and the reconstruction accuracy of the shape restoration algorithm is improved effectively. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed optimization SFS algorithm based on the improved Phong model. A single composite image and a real image are taken as examples for three-dimensional restoration, and the reconstruction results are compared quantitatively and qualitatively with those obtained by the existing algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a significant improvement in visual effect. Compared with the algorithm based on orthogonal projection, the average error of this paper is reduced by 62.2%, and the average error of this paper is reduced by 30.7% compared with the same algorithm.
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