[Abstract]:Three-dimensional model has become the fourth digital media technology after sound, image and video. With the rapid development of multimedia image, model acquisition equipment and 3D modeling and simulation technology, the number of 3D models increases explosively. In the face of massive 3D models, how to manage them effectively so as to achieve efficient and convenient 3D model retrieval and information acquisition has become an urgent problem to be solved. The 3D model skeleton can not only well represent the shape information and topological skeleton information of the model, but also can be regarded as a compression technique for the original model, which can greatly reduce the storage space of the model and improve the utilization rate of the computer storage space. With the development of graphics and visualization technology, 3D skeleton becomes an important research direction of 3D model retrieval. At present, three-dimensional model skeleton has been widely used in computer-aided cartography, human organ reconstruction, virtual reality, animation simulation, industrial manufacturing and digital entertainment. In this paper, an innovative 3D human model retrieval algorithm is proposed. The main contents and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1) Database construction: select some of the three-dimensional models with complex shape and structure from the existing three-dimensional model database to form a brand-new database. 2) Skeleton feature extraction: a three-dimensional model skeleton extraction algorithm based on L\-1 mean value is adopted, and some limitations of the original model in practical application are pointed out. Some improved algorithms such as sampling optimization based on topology splitting, distribution optimization based on density weight update, and location optimization based on ellipse fitting are proposed. 3) matching algorithm: a hypergraph matching algorithm based on random walk is proposed. This algorithm introduces the concept of Zhang Liang and the idea of random walk. By representing the information of different order hypergraph edges through different order tensors, the low-order tensors are fused recursively to generate a higher-order tensor, which more effectively constrains the hypergraph structure, so that the algorithm distorts and deforms externally at the feature points. In the case of isolated noise and so on, there is a good matching effect. Compared with some existing matching algorithms, the proposed algorithm has good matching and retrieval performance, and can effectively retrieve models with similar topological structure.
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