[Abstract]:Workpiece recognition is to use computer vision technology to intelligently classify the target workpiece on the production line, so that the industrial robot can efficiently and accurately complete the automatic sorting, assembly, handling, processing and so on of the workpiece, in order to reduce the production cost. Improve the efficiency of industrial production. The problem of workpiece recognition is abstracted and can be transformed into sketch recognition problem. Sketch is a special kind of image, which has the thinnest image form. It has important applications in many fields such as human-computer interaction system, children's education, public security case handling and so on. In the past, the sketch was recognized as a conventional image, which could complete the classification to a certain extent, but the classification effect could not meet the requirements of practical application. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) combined with the application scene of job sorting and installation on the industrial production line, the image processing technology is adopted. A set of workpiece detection and recognition system on conveyor belt is studied and developed. In this system, image preprocessing, segmentation and localization, feature extraction and pattern classification algorithms are developed according to the application requirements. On this basis, considering the influence of illumination and other environmental factors on the recognition performance, the corresponding image preprocessing algorithm is developed, which enables the workpiece recognition system to effectively segment the workpiece and extract the contour information of the workpiece. In this paper, the testing platform of workpiece recognition experiment is built, and the software system of workpiece recognition is developed, which achieves good recognition effect and can meet the real-time requirements of practical application. (2) for schematic application, A sketch recognition method based on deep learning is proposed. The method first considers the unique features of the sketch, such as sparsity and color features, and then simplifies and constructs a depth learning system based on convolution neural network according to its image characteristics, and makes a test experiment with the TU-Berblin diagram data set. The experimental results show that the proposed method has good classification performance.
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