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发布时间:2019-04-23 12:36
[Abstract]:The error of RF simulation system and the correction of the error have always been the focus of the scientific research institutions, and the variation rule of the near-field error and the correction of the error of the composite antenna array are also worthy to be studied and discussed. In this paper, the variation rule of the near-field error of the composite array in RF simulation system is analyzed by calculating the angle deviation between the phase center of the triple array radiation and the radiative center calculated by the angular scintillation equation. Combined with the theoretical control algorithm of the three-tuple phase center, an array target near-field correction control method is formed to realize the near-field effect correction of the composite array RF simulation system. By changing the input power of the antenna to modify the near-field effect, not only the near-field effect correction can be solved, but also the investment cost of upgrading the hardware equipment can be reduced, and the near-field correction can be realized conveniently. Based on the project "near-field correction and application technology of RF composite array targets", this thesis studies the following contents: (1) Chapter one and chapter two summarize the background of the topic selection and the research progress at this stage. This paper mainly introduces the recent situation of the near-field effect correction, and introduces the basic theory of the near-field effect. (2) in the third chapter, using the given parameters of the project, the accuracy law of the angle measurement of the two tuples is studied. On the basis of the accuracy rule of angle measurement, the error correction of the two tuples is carried out. In addition, the three caliber sizes required by the project are simulated and analyzed separately. (3) in chapter 4, the variation rules of the angle measurement accuracy of the microwave triple group, the millimeter wave ternary group and the microwave / millimeter wave composite array are introduced. Through curve fitting and interpolation, the precision value of angle measurement at some points is calculated directly, which saves the simulation time. In addition, the simulation data are compared with the measured data. (4) in chapter 4, based on the analysis of the variation law of angle measurement accuracy, the near-field correction of the triplets and the triplets under the composite array is carried out in the fifth chapter. Compare the error before and after the correction. The error correction table is made for engineering use. (5) in chapter 6, the work of this paper is summarized and the future research is prospected.


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