[Abstract]:The comprehensive test bench of motor stator is a comprehensive testing platform developed and put into use in order to meet the needs of production after the mass production of motor stator accessories. After putting into use, the effect of manual operation is much better than that of inspectors, but after many years of use, it is found that due to many factors affecting the detection efficiency and detection quality, it is found that there are various reasons for tampering with the detection data. In order to improve the detection efficiency and improve the accuracy of the test data to ensure the authenticity of the test data, this paper redesigns and optimizes the supporting software while reforming the test method and structure of the comprehensive test bench. This project is based on the new type of motor stator comprehensive test bench, analyzes, selects the measurement transmission device, the electrical switch and other electrical testing components and control parts to control the controlled object, start and stop the detection, etc. The software can display, store and print the running status of the system, and has the functions of man-machine interface and so on. The detection process can be easily changed and adjusted according to the needs. At the same time, the software can receive and store the detection data according to the requirements, judge the conformity of the received data according to a certain algorithm, and store all the final data to the database. And according to certain laws and needs to facilitate query and transfer printing. This paper mainly studies the operation control software of the new motor stator detection platform and the method of storing and processing the related data. The requirement analysis and design of the software are carried out by studying the equipment operation control flow and testing data information. In programming, Visual Basic is selected as programming voice, and Microsoft Office Access is selected as database in order to meet the requirements of data storage and query. In this paper, the unified modeling language (UML) is used as the analysis and design description language, and Visual Basic object-oriented development technology is used to analyze the software design and development of motor stator detection and control system. Coding implementation and system testing.
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