[Abstract]:The development of the stock market has also made a lot of contributions to the rapid development of the domestic economy. At the same time, stock trading has become a choice of public financial management. With the development of the domestic stock market, there are more and more stock analysis systems. However, the stock analysis system still has good potential in the market, although many stock data analysis systems have the analysis function of stock data, the function of parameter allocation and the function of information display, and so on. However, the interface and operation of the existing stock data analysis system or software are too complex, and it is extremely inconvenient for beginners to operate, which requires a stock data analysis system that can reduce the difficulty of users. In this paper, a simple stock data analysis system is designed and implemented according to the demand of junior personnel in the stock exchange market, because the data of the stock exchange market are all expressed in digital form. Therefore, it is very important to display the data of stock exchange market intuitively, so the system uses GDI related technology and the working characteristics of. Net platform to display and design the data of stock exchange market. At the same time, in the process of data display design of stock exchange market, the data optimization processing is carried out by combining coordinate transformation and other related methods, and then the problem of graphical display of data in stock exchange market is solved. This paper also makes a detailed analysis and design of the data trend of the stock exchange market, which is an important combination of the concepts related to the decision tree to analyze and design. This paper summarizes the trend of stock exchange market data and the internal relationship between it and financial indicators. This paper also briefly introduces the relevant knowledge of stock, and also makes a general design and implementation of the stock data analysis system. The key technology is described in detail, and the stock data analysis system is designed and implemented. Through the stock data analysis system, it provides a clear data analysis and a reasonable purchase scheme for the investors who have entered the stock exchange market. At the same time, the stock data analysis system also meets the actual needs of the stock exchange market. The stock data analysis system can also provide more safe, scientific and reasonable technical support for shareholders, so that the reliability of stock purchase and the rationality of stock analysis can be improved through the stock data analysis system.
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