[Abstract]:In today's society, people's living standards gradually rise, at the same time, consumers will leave the corresponding footprints, but also produce the corresponding records. Because people consume a lot of money every day, they will produce a lot of consumption records. In order to quickly analyze the consumer categories and related behaviors that users are most concerned about from the massive data, it is difficult to meet the demand with the traditional analysis method. The traditional method takes a long time and is difficult to achieve the desired effect. These consumption records contain a lot of consumer information about customer consumption. If we analyze these data through specific analysis tools, we will analyze a lot of valid information from the data, including consumer consumption habits, commodity sales and so on. Nowadays, the popular computing frameworks are Hadoop computing framework and Spark computing framework. This paper mainly analyzes and processes the massive data, this paper uses the HDFS and Spark computing framework in Hadoop to analyze the entertainment consumption records of the majority of consumers, and obtains the actual situation of their entertainment consumption. In this paper, the research status of big data processing and analysis system is summarized, and the related theories and technologies are introduced. secondly, the system requirements are analyzed concretely, and the overall design architecture of the system is obtained. the main functions of the system include aggregation statistics, random extraction, Topl0 hot categories and Topl0 active session;. Then, the design idea of the data acquisition algorithm and the main functions of the system are designed in detail, and the database is designed in detail. Finally, the system environment is built and the main functions of the data acquisition algorithm and the system are implemented concretely. After the completion of the implementation, the functional test and non-functional testing are carried out. The running results show that the system can run normally and achieve the expected goal.
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