[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electronic technology, especially in the field of broadband communication in a new period of change, the signal frequency is getting higher and higher, which puts forward higher requirements for the detection of communication printed circuit board with high integration and dense wiring. However, at present, most of the testing work of broadband communication printed circuit board is done by manually looking for the test point with the naked eye under the magnifying glass and then using the probe to contact it. This traditional test method is not only inefficient, high labor cost, but also looking at the magnifying glass for a long time will cause pain and dizziness in the eyes, and more seriously, it will even cause irreparable damage to eyesight. In order to solve these problems, machine vision technology is used to locate the measuring points of broadband communication test board. In this process, the following research work is carried out: 1. In order to get a clearer digital image, according to the imaging principle of the camera, the installation mode, lighting scheme, image acquisition and display of the camera in the visual system are studied and analyzed, the structure form and work flow of the whole visual positioning system are determined, and the ZedBoard development board based on Zynq-7000 series chip is selected as the hardware foundation, and the visual positioning platform is built. It provides the necessary conditions for extracting image features. 2. In order to realize the embedded software development and design of visual system, the Linux operating system is transferred to the main core of ZedBoard development board, the slave core is set as naked, and the program development of master core (CPU0) and slave core (CPU1) is completed by SDK development tool, and the human-computer interaction interface is designed and developed by using MiniGUI, and the whole software development of visual positioning system is realized. In order to obtain the position coordinates of the detection point of the broadband communication test board accurately, the positioning is realized by using the Mark points of the four corners on the test board and the relative position relationship between the detection points and the Mark points. In the process of image processing, the method of rough template precision template and rotating shell algorithm are used to extract the eigenvalues of Mark points, which greatly reduces the amount of computation. 4. Through the experimental results of the broadband communication test board positioning system, the repeated positioning of the whole system is analyzed and evaluated, and it is verified that the accuracy and stability of the visual positioning system can meet the requirements of the positioning system in the subject.
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