[Abstract]:In the twenty-first century, many IT companies and organizations decided to adopt cloud computing and big data technologies. Big data has become a very important innovation and growth point in IT, such as the wide application of cloud computing, Internet of Things and data analytics. Big data analytics (BDA) can help the department better understand the data contained in the information, and also help to identify the data, and the most important is to find the value that exists in the data. For the enterprise market, there are a large number of examples that demonstrate the value of big data analytics, such as Facebook, the Amazon and Google, have begun to use big data as part of their primary marketing plan to better serve customers. When analyzing data, BDA typically uses software tools that are dedicated to predictive analysis, application data mining, text mining, prediction, and data optimization, all of which require technical support for cloud computing. In the past two decades, cloud computing is an efficient service-oriented computing platform. The relationship between cloud computing and big data is the provision of storage and computing platforms for large data items by cloud computing. The systematic literature investigation (SLR) has been widely concerned by software engineering researchers in 2004. Many researchers have reported that they have applied systematic literature research in different fields of research in software engineering for empirical software research. In order to get an in-depth understanding, software engineering practitioners will make systematic evaluation as a new research method for software engineering. They believe that systematic literature investigation is a systematic literature review method using evidence-based knowledge system. As a systematic review, systematic literature research is considered to be a key research methodology in the field of evidence-based software engineering research. After extensive attention has been paid to systematic literature research, researchers in software engineering have used systematic literature research in many different studies, such as agile software development, regression testing, process modeling, variability management, cost estimation, and the like. The researchers also summarized the best practices for systematic literature research and their experience in the use of systematic literature research in published papers. In addition, the technical strategy assessment and quality report of systematic literature investigation are also put forward in the study. With the increasing interest of software engineering researchers in systematic literature research, systematic literature research must provide appropriate methodology to guide its design, implementation and reporting of high-quality system evaluation. The purpose of this study is to systematically study the existing big data and cloud computing technology, and summarize the research trend of the technology, mainly introduce the related technology and related software of the big data and cloud technology and the research method. In order to investigate and analyze the results, this study adopted the method of reviewing the system of the evidence-based software engineering paradigm. This paper presents a study on the systematic literature research (SLR) of cloud technology and big data analysis. Based on the predefined search strategy,717 articles were evaluated and identified, including 57 important relevant literature, and the selected 57 articles were published between 2010 and 2016. The paper defines a review process, through the development of a review agreement, and the results of the review. This study first presents a study and attempts to answer these questions through a review and analysis of the 57 articles, 5W + 1H analysis (what-what, where-where, when-when, when-responsible, why-why, how-how). The results of the study will be provided to the researchers, the software project, and the software engineer for more information about the existing methods of the existing big data analysis cloud computing. We are focusing on how to integrate big data and cloud computing into a development framework. In addition, this paper gives a summary of the big data analysis of cloud computing. It is found that the deployment of large data on the cloud platform is faced with some problems and challenges to be solved, such as data security and privacy protection. Although some of the investigators have proposed some methods of response, this systematic literature survey found that this study is still at an early stage and therefore requires further in-depth study. This paper also gives a series of paper lists of big data and business intelligence, and summarizes and gives a table.
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