本文关键词:哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观研究 出处:《东北农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 城市滨水公园 植物群落 植物配置 景观评价 哈尔滨
【摘要】:哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观是城市滨水区域生态环境与城市生活的重要载体,展现城市人文风貌的重要窗口。城市滨水公园植物景观研究对于哈尔滨市建设滨水丽都、寒地水乡,,实现以水兴城、以水富城、以水丽城,打造滨水名城具有重要的意义。同时,通过对作为寒地城市代表的哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观研究,可对整个寒地城市滨水公园植物景观的研究起到一定的借鉴与指导作用。 本文运用群落生态学、风景园林学、实验心理学、数理统计学等理论,对10个具有代表性的哈尔滨城市滨水公园进行典型植物群落的植物组成、数量特征、多样性以及植物群落结构进行系统分析;同时,在对植物群落调查的基础上,选取了25张典型的哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观照片,分别进行定性与定量评价。最终得到如下结论: (1)在公园植物群落中,共有植物175种,分属于52科103属;哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物类型组成以乔木类、灌木类、草本类为主,在滨水景观营造中,可广泛应用的水生、湿生类草本植物比较匮乏。垂直结构以“乔—灌—草”复层模式为主,以“乔—草”模式为辅。 (2)哈尔滨城市滨水公园共有5种植物群落模式,分别为滨水植物群落模式、观赏型植物群落模式、减噪型植物群落模式、保健型群落模式、文化型植物群落模式。滨水公园滨水植物景观有4种植物景观带,分别为:疏林草地型滨水植物景观带、密林式滨水植物景观带、湿地植物景观带、模纹式滨水植物景观带。 (3)通过SD定量评价法与BIB-LCJ非量化评价法对哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观的评价与分析,可知哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观总体情况较好。定性评价与定量评价结果基本一致。 (4)通过因子分析法,得出影响哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观的效果有四个潜在特定因子:美感因子,舒适性因子、动感因子与空间因子。 (5)针对哈尔滨城市滨水公园植物景观普遍存在的问题,提出了相应的植物景观营造建议:加强乡土植物应用种类;丰富植物群落植物种类组成;着重建设“近自然”植物群落;增加公众参与的滨水植物景观类型;建立和完善植物景观的养护管理体系。
[Abstract]:The plant landscape of Harbin City Waterfront Park is an important carrier of urban waterfront ecological environment and urban life. Urban waterfront park plant landscape research on the construction of Harbin waterfront Lidu, cold water countryside, the realization of the city with water, water rich city, water beautiful city. It is of great significance to build a famous waterfront city. At the same time, the plant landscape of Harbin City Waterfront Park, which is the representative of cold city, is studied. It can be used for reference and guidance for the study of plant landscape of waterfront park in the whole cold region city. Based on the theories of community ecology, landscape architecture, experimental psychology and mathematical statistics, the plant composition and quantitative characteristics of typical plant communities in 10 representative urban waterfront parks in Harbin were studied in this paper. Diversity and plant community structure were systematically analyzed. At the same time, based on the investigation of plant communities, 25 typical plant landscape photographs of Harbin City Waterfront Park were selected and evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. (1) there are 175 species of plants belonging to 52 families and 103 genera in the plant community of the park. The plant types of Harbin City Waterfront Park are mainly Arbor, shrub and herbaceous, which can be widely used in waterfront landscape construction. The vertical structure of herbaceous plants is mainly composed of "Arbor-shrub-grass" model, supplemented by "Arbor-Grass" model. 2) there are five plant community models in Harbin waterfront park, which are waterfront plant community model, ornamental plant community model, noise-reducing plant community model and health care community model. The plant community pattern of culture type. Waterfront plant landscape of waterfront park has four kinds of plant landscape belt, namely: sparse forest grassland type waterfront plant landscape belt, dense forest type waterfront plant landscape belt, wetland plant landscape belt. Pattern waterfront plant landscape belt. 3) evaluate and analyze the plant landscape of Harbin waterfront park by SD quantitative evaluation method and BIB-LCJ non-quantitative evaluation method. It can be seen that the plant landscape of Harbin City Waterfront Park is good in general, and the qualitative and quantitative evaluation results are basically consistent. 4) through factor analysis, it is concluded that there are four potential factors that affect the plant landscape of Harbin City Waterfront Park: aesthetic factor, comfort factor, dynamic factor and spatial factor. 5) aiming at the common problems of plant landscape in Harbin City Waterfront Park, some suggestions for plant landscape construction are put forward: strengthening the application of native plants; Abundant plant community plant species composition; Emphasis on the construction of "near natural" plant communities; Increasing public participation in waterfront plant landscape types; Establish and perfect the plant landscape conservation management system.
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