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发布时间:2018-01-07 14:12

  本文关键词:基于低碳交通战略的重庆主城区城市空间生态化拓展研究 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 低碳交通 重庆主城区 城市空间 生态化拓展 土地利用

【摘要】:在快速城市化的背景下,全球的气候问题越来越突出,低碳技术开始成为当今低碳城市发展的主题。近年来,城市建设与运行所消耗的能源产生越来越多的以二氧化碳为主的温室气体,导致全球气温变暖、两极冰川融化、海平面上升等环境问题。由于交通运输业的碳排放量位居全球第二,交通的低碳化开始成为国内外研究的目标,“低碳交通”应运而生。 重庆作为西南最具潜力的发展城市,面临着突飞猛进的城市化进程和快速发展的经济,城市空间的发展遇到前所未有的机遇和严峻的考验。将低碳交通建设与重庆城市空间生态化拓展紧密结合,能够较好地解决城市空间有机发展与生态环境保护、交通节能的矛盾。面对新一轮的城市用地扩张,重庆如何从低碳交通战略层面改善土地利用引导城市空间合理有序的拓展,支撑组团式的城市空间结构、优化城市空间布局等,进而减少城市碳排放和改善城市空间结构,对这一课题的研究具有理论和实践意义。 本文在对国内外低碳交通和城市空间生态化拓展相关的理论研究的基础上,对重庆主城区的城市空间发展历程及面临的问题进行深入研究,通过城市交通与城市空间生态化拓展的耦合关系,构建一种基于低碳交通战略的城市空间生态化拓展模式,积极引导重庆市城市空间向低碳化、生态化发展,促进城市与自然生态的和谐统一。 论文分为六个章节: 第一章主要论述了论文的研究背景、研究目的与意义、研究内容、基本概念界定及内涵、研究范围、研究思路及基本方法、以及论文框架等。 第二章为论文的基础理论研究,梳理了国内外相关理论和实践研究的概况,总结了低碳交通和城市空间生态化拓展相关的理论基础。 第三章是论文研究的现状支撑部分,,通过梳理重庆主城区城市空间拓展与形态演变的历程,概述其城市空间拓展特征与趋势,分析重庆市城市空间拓展所面临的问题,并分析了城市空间拓展的影响因素。 第四章是论文的探索性研究部分,也是本论文的核心部分,从低碳交通和城市空间生态化拓展的内在关联性,对二者进行耦合,提出城市空间生态化拓展模式,并从模式的构成内容、构建目标与原则、模式的特征、实施策略等方面对该模式进行探索研究。 第五章是对重庆主城区城市空间生态化拓展模式的具体内容进行研究。首先建立重庆市低碳交通体系,然后根据两种低碳交通方式对城市空间拓展的作用,分别提出“公共交通-城市空间增量拓展”和“慢行交通-城市空间存量拓展”两种模式,并对其具体的作用方式进行研究 最后一章为论文的结语,概括了论文研究的主要结论,并对基于低碳交通战略的重庆市城市空间生态化拓展的后续研究做出展望。
[Abstract]:In Rapid City under the background of the global climate problem has become increasingly prominent, low-carbon technology has become the theme of low carbon city development. In recent years, mainly carbon dioxide greenhouse gas consumed in the construction and operation of the city's energy to produce more and more, leading to global warming, polar melting glaciers, rising sea levels due to environmental problems. The carbon emissions of transportation industry ranked second in the world, low carbon traffic started to become the domestic and foreign research target, "low carbon transport" came into being.
Chongqing as the most potential development of city southwest, facing the rapid urbanization of the city and the rapid development of economy, development of city space encountered hitherto unknown opportunities and severe challenges. The low carbon transportation construction and Chongqing city spatial ecology development closely, can better solve the city space organic development and ecological environment protection, the contradiction between traffic and energy saving. In the face of a new round of land expansion of Chongqing City, how to improve the strategic level from low carbon transportation land use to expand the city space reasonably, the support group city spatial structure, city spatial layout optimization, thereby reducing carbon emissions and improve the spatial structure of city city, has theoretical and practical significance the research on this subject.
Based on the domestic and foreign low carbon transportation and city space ecological foundation for expanding the relevant theoretical research on the in-depth study of the development of city space in Chongqing city and problems, through the coupling relationship between city traffic and city spatial ecology development, build a city ecological space based on the strategy of low carbon transport the development mode, and actively guide Chongqing city space to low-carbon, ecological development, promoting harmony between city and nature.
The thesis is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter mainly discusses the research background, the purpose and significance, the content, the definition and connotation, the research scope, the train of thought and basic methods, and the framework of the thesis.
The second chapter is the basic theoretical research of the paper, and summarizes the relevant theories and practice research at home and abroad, and summarizes the theoretical basis of the development of low carbon transportation and urban spatial ecology.
The third chapter is the present situation of the research papers supporting part, and the morphological evolution course of development by combing the city zone of Chongqing City, summarizes the city spatial expansion characteristics and trend analysis of Chongqing city spatial development problems, and analyzes the influence factors of city spatial expansion.
The fourth chapter is the research part of the thesis, it is the core of this thesis, from the inner relationship of low carbon traffic and city spatial ecology development, coupled to the two, the city spatial ecology development mode, and constitutes the content from the mode of the construction goal and the principle, pattern characteristic, implementation strategy other aspects of exploration and research of the model.
The fifth chapter is the main urban area of Chongqing city spatial ecology development mode of the specific content of research. First, establish low carbon transportation system in Chongqing City, then according to the two kinds of low carbon traffic on city spatial expansion, put forward "public transport - city space incremental expansion" and "slow traffic - city space stock expansion in two modes, and makes analysis on its specific mode of action
The last chapter is the conclusion of the paper, and summarizes the main conclusions of the paper. It also makes a prospect for the follow-up research on the development of urban spatial ecology in Chongqing based on the low-carbon transportation strategy.



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