本文关键词:慢生活视角下的旅游型小城镇慢游系统规划研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:党的十八大报告明确提出“加大统筹城乡发展力度,增强农村发展活力,逐步缩小城乡差距,促进城乡共同繁荣”的新思路,在积极政策的号召下人们将城乡建设重点逐步转移到生态与经济共赢发展层面,同时城乡居民的生活质量得到了大幅度的提升,,但当人们沉醉在城市丰富多彩物质生活的同时,也越发清醒地认识到城市的生活节奏过快、压力过大,而留给自己的休闲时间又过少,以至于阻碍了自身心理和生理的健康发展。因此,旅游型小城镇的建设和发展应从人的感受和需求出发,构建适应人们生活节奏的旅游体验环境,打造“慢生活、慢旅游”。将“慢生活”理念应用到旅游型小城镇的建设正满足了当下游客们渴望回归自然、释放压力的内心需求和身体需要。但由于旅游型小城镇的基础设施建设不够完备,又缺乏实际的建设经验,使慢旅游一直无法推广。 为使外来游客能够更好地进行慢游体验,使本地居民能够拥有幸福和谐的日常生活,本文从构建旅游型小城镇慢游系统出发,以承载小镇人文特色和自然生态资源的慢游单元建设为重点,力求打造一种使游客们在劳碌的工作之余可以更好享受生活,以慢游单元为基础,农业观光、民俗活动观演等为特色的慢游网络。旅游型小城镇可以通过慢游系统的建设,使“慢享受、慢生活、慢旅游”的理念深入到城镇发展。文章通过对慢生活、旅游型小城镇、慢游系统的分析研究,确定慢生活小镇是旅游型小城镇发展的终极状态,构建慢游系统是旅游型小城镇发展完善的有效方法。慢生活对旅游型小城镇提出的各项要求都可以通过慢游系统的建设得以实现,并进一步将实践经验推广到其它旅游型小城镇的建设。为明确慢游系统的建设具有实践性和可操作性,作者从慢游系统的构成要素、构建原则、物质承载构建策略和精神文化策略几方面入手,详细对旅游型小城镇慢游系统的构建策略进行研究,以推动将旅游型小城镇建成慢生活小城镇的步伐。 本文在对旅游型小城镇慢游系统构成要素进行深入分析的基础上,提出了旅游型小城镇慢游系统的物质承载构建策略以及旅游型小城镇慢游系统的精神文化构建策略,并针对相应类别的慢游系统构建策略进行了较为详细的研究,并分别以现今旅游型小城镇建设中最为热点的依托山水资源和农田原野为本土特色的旅游型小城镇为应用实例,通过对所选设计试点的规划来解读慢游系统在实际项目中的运用。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the new idea of "strengthening the overall development of urban and rural areas, strengthening the vitality of rural development, gradually narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, and promoting urban and rural prosperity". Under the active policy call, people gradually shift the focus of urban and rural construction to ecological and economic win-win development, and the quality of life of urban and rural residents has been greatly improved. But when people are intoxicated in the city rich and colorful material life, but also more and more soberly realized that the city's life rhythm is too fast, the pressure is too big, and the leisure time left to oneself is too little. Therefore, the construction and development of small tourist towns should start from people's feelings and needs, and build a tourism experience environment adapted to the rhythm of people's life. To build "slow life, slow tourism". Applying the concept of "slow life" to the construction of tourism-type small towns is meeting the tourists' desire to return to nature. The inner need and physical need of releasing the pressure, but because the infrastructure construction of the small tourist town is not complete and lack of practical construction experience, slow tourism has been unable to be popularized. In order to enable the foreign tourists to have a better slow swim experience, so that the local residents can have a happy and harmonious daily life, this paper starts from the construction of tourism small towns slow swim system. To carry the humanistic characteristics of small towns and natural ecological resources of slow tourism unit construction as the focus, strive to create a kind of tourists in the busy work can enjoy life better, to slow tourism unit as the basis, agricultural tourism. The concept of "slow enjoyment, slow life and slow tourism" can be carried out through the construction of slow swimming system in small towns with folklore activities, etc. In this paper, the concept of "slow life, slow life, slow tourism" can be developed deeply into the development of cities and towns. The analysis and research of tourism small town and slow travel system determine that slow life town is the ultimate state of tourism small town development. The construction of slow tourism system is an effective method to improve the development of tourism small towns. The requirements of slow life for tourism small towns can be realized through the construction of slow tourism system. In order to make sure that the construction of slow swim system is practical and operable, the author constructs principles from the elements of slow swim system. Starting with the construction strategy of material carrying capacity and the strategy of spiritual culture, this paper makes a detailed study on the construction strategy of the slow swimming system of the tourist small town in order to promote the pace of building the tourist town into a small town with slow life. Based on the in-depth analysis of the components of the tourism small town slow tour system. This paper puts forward the construction strategy of the material carrying capacity of the tourism small town slow swim system and the spirit culture construction strategy of the tourism small town slow swim system. And the construction strategy of the corresponding slow swim system is studied in detail. And take the tourism small town which relies on the landscape resources and the farmland field as the local characteristic separately in the present traveling type small town construction as the application example. Through the design of the selected pilot program to interpret the slow-swimming system in the actual project application.
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