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  本文关键词:喷射混凝土用高性能速凝剂的研制与应用 出处:《河北工程大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 无碱液体速凝剂 低碱液体速凝剂 喷射混凝土 应用 作用机理

【摘要】:针对目前我国喷射混凝土回弹大、耐久性差的现状,,在大量查阅国内外相关专利和文献的基础上,通过化学改性、有机无机复合的技术手段,成功研制了两种用于喷射混凝土的兼具速凝、低腐蚀、低回弹的高性能液体速凝剂,随后分析了两种速凝剂的性能并在喷射混凝土中进行了应用试验研究,最后采用现代微观分析手段X-射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对其作用机理进行了探讨。 两种高性能速凝剂的研制: (1)低碱液体速凝剂:首先采用正交试验确定该速凝剂母液各组分最佳掺量为硫酸铝46%、醇胺4%、氟化钠4%、亚硝酸钙9%,然后引入0.5%~1%的早强组分甲酸钙和0.2%~0.3%的有机增粘组分聚丙烯酰胺进行优化,最后得到该低碱液体速凝剂,其常温下为红褐色透明液体,固含量为42%,碱含量小于3%。 (2)无碱液体速凝剂:首先采用正交试验确定该速凝剂母液各组分最佳掺量为硫酸铝50%、羟基羧酸1%、醇胺7%、多元醇8%,然后引入1%~2%的稳定组分磷酸和0.2%~0.3%的有机增粘组分聚丙烯酰胺进行优化,最后得到该无碱液体速凝剂,其常温下为浅绿色透明液体,固含量为44%。 性能试验结果表明:这两种速凝剂与不同品牌的普通硅酸盐水泥适应性良好;与萘系和聚羧酸系高效减水剂的相容性较好;掺入时间均对其速凝效果影响显著,在喷射施工时,加水拌合后的混凝土应尽快喷射施工,以免影响其速凝效果。 在湿法喷射混凝土中进行的应用试验研究结果表明:掺加这两种液体速凝剂的湿法喷射混凝土最佳砂率范围为50%~55%;骨料最大粒径取值范围为13.2mm~16mm;回弹率明显降低,与围岩的粘接强度明显提高。 借助XRD和SEM现代微观分析手段对速凝剂作用机理研究发现:与传统碱性速凝剂作用机理不同,该两种液体速凝剂都是通过加速C3A的水化和缩短或消除C3S的诱导期来实现混凝土速凝和早强的。
[Abstract]:In view of the present status of shotcrete rebound, poor durability, based on a large number of domestic and foreign related patent documents, through chemical modification, organic inorganic composite technology, has successfully developed two kinds of sprayed concrete for both quick setting, low corrosion, high performance liquid accelerator with low resilience then, analyses the performance of two kinds of accelerator and application test in the shotcrete, finally using modern microscopic analysis method of X- ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and its mechanism of action is discussed.
The development of two high performance accelerator:
(1) low alkali liquid accelerator: first determine the accelerator solution components optimum adding amount of aluminum sulfate 46% by orthogonal test, alcohol amine 4%, 4% sodium fluoride, calcium nitrite, 9%, 0.5% ~ 1% and the introduction of early strength component of calcium formate and 0.2% ~ 0.3% of the organic components of polyacrylamide thickening optimization, finally get the liquid low alkali accelerator, the room temperature is red brown transparent liquid, solid content is 42%, the alkali content is less than 3%.
(2) no alkali liquid accelerator: first determine the accelerator solution components optimum adding amount of aluminum sulfate 50% by orthogonal test, 1% hydroxy carboxylic acid, amine 7%, 8% polyols, and then introduce 1% ~ 2% stable components and 0.2% ~ 0.3% of the organic phosphate viscosify components of Polyacrylamide in the optimization Finally, the alkali free liquid accelerator, the room temperature light green transparent liquid, solid content is 44%.
The performance test results show that the Portland cement adaptability of the two kinds of accelerator and different brands of good; with naphthalene and polycarboxylate superplasticizer has good compatibility; effects of incorporation time to the accelerating effect, in the construction of water injection, concrete mixing after spraying construction as soon as possible. So as not to affect the speed of coagulation effect.
In the wet spray application test of concrete in the results show that adding the two kinds of liquid accelerator wet spraying concrete optimal sand ratio ranges from 50% to 55%; the maximum aggregate size ranges from 13.2mm to 16mm; the rebound rate is significantly reduced, and the bonding strength of surrounding rock is obviously improved.
With the help of XRD and SEM modern microanalysis methods, we found that the action mechanism of accelerator is different from that of traditional alkaline accelerators. The two kinds of liquid accelerators can accelerate concrete hydration and shorten or eliminate the induction period of C3S to achieve rapid and early strength of concrete.



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