本文选题:陶瓷材料 切入点:陶板 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在迅速发展的今天,无论从物质生活条件还是精神生活方面都有着越来越多的需求,而物质条件容易满足,而精神方面却是根据社会的发展有着不同的需求,在这方面需求的人群也越来越多。社会舆论、生活环境、家庭、工作等各方面带来的压力,人们愈来愈想得到更多轻松愉悦的环境,并且在迅速发展的今天,科学技术水平和人们的生活水平都得到了提高,更多的关注节能、环保、智能的居住问题。这些也就要求了现代陶艺不仅仅要满足艺术性,还要更具有内涵。 从人文关怀方面,绿色环保的材料更是当今设计师首先考虑的选择,在纷繁众多的建筑内外的艺术品中要数现代陶瓷艺术为首选。陶瓷艺术品以它自身纯然无与伦比的属性,美化着环境,陶冶人们的情操。 现代陶瓷艺术品作为一种新的艺术形式的出现,最突出的变现在于它自身的属性。陶瓷是以粘土及其其他天然矿物经过粉碎混炼、成型和煅烧制的材料为主要原料的制品。它以土为原料,以水成形,在空气中干燥,经过烈火得以永恒。人类对它重新再创造,经过双手给予不凡的意义,再经过窑火的高温烧制,在窑火的作用下使得坯土和釉料紧密的结合在一起,以至于最后出窑后出现那么具有丰富多彩的艺术效果。与建筑有关的陶瓷艺术品充分结合了自身的特点,使得陶瓷材料的审美特型有所发挥,也让本身的情感有所释放,更是大大强化了现代陶瓷在建筑环境里的表现力和其起到的美化作用,现代陶瓷艺术品还创造出了文化、环保的相关理念。所以成为了当今环境与建筑领域设计的趋势。 陶瓷材料作为建筑环境设计的载体,应该与其大环境相协调,而且在不同的表现形式上能够达到不一样的视觉效果、触觉效果,并在某种程度上改变、突破,再赋予新的意义和内涵。陶瓷材料在承载了所在环境中特有的功能需求外,还背负着环境、人文、历史与传承的重担。也只有这样才能使得其在现代社会中得到认可,发挥自身的社会价值,有更大的立足之地。而且已经有很多设计师和陶艺家开始对次领域探索和研究,也尝试了很多方法,并且也取得了相应的成就。 我们要坚信,陶瓷材料不仅仅是在建筑环境设计的领域里绽放,也能在很多领域里取得显著的成果。
[Abstract]:In the rapid development of today, whether from the material living conditions or spiritual life, there are more and more needs, and the material conditions are easy to meet, but the spiritual side is based on the development of society has different needs, The pressure from public opinion, living environment, family, work, and so on, people want to have more relaxed and pleasant environment, and in the rapid development of today, The level of science and technology and people's living standards have been improved, more attention to energy conservation, environmental protection, intelligent living problems, which also require modern ceramics not only to meet the artistic, but also have more connotations. From the aspect of humanistic care, green and environmentally friendly materials are the first choice to be considered by today's designers. Among the numerous works of art inside and outside buildings, modern ceramic art is the first choice. Ceramic art has its own unparalleled attributes. Beautify the environment, edify people's sentiment. The emergence of modern ceramic art as a new form of art, the most prominent realization of which lies in its own attributes. Ceramics are made of clay and other natural minerals that have been crushed and mixed. A product made of moulded and calcined materials as its main raw material. It is made of soil, water, dried in the air, and made permanent by fire. Man recreates it, and gives it extraordinary meaning through both hands, After the kiln fire was fired at high temperature, under the action of the kiln fire, the green soil and the glaze were closely combined together. So that after the kiln finally appeared so rich and colorful artistic effects. The ceramic works of art related to architecture fully combined their own characteristics, so that the aesthetic characteristics of ceramic materials have been brought into play, and their own emotions have been released. It also greatly strengthens the expression of modern ceramics in the architectural environment and its beautification function. The art of modern ceramics has also created the related concepts of culture and environmental protection, so it has become the trend of design in the field of environment and architecture. As the carrier of architectural environment design, ceramic materials should be coordinated with its general environment, and can achieve different visual effects, tactile effects, and changes and breakthroughs in different forms of expression. In addition to carrying the unique functional needs of the environment, ceramic materials bear the burden of environment, humanity, history and inheritance. Only in this way can they be recognized in modern society. There are many designers and ceramic artists who have begun to explore and study the sub-field, and have also tried many methods, and have also made corresponding achievements. We must firmly believe that ceramic materials not only bloom in the field of architectural environment design, but also achieve remarkable results in many fields.
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