本文选题:建筑业 切入点:劳务分包 出处:《石家庄铁道大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:建筑业已成为我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,它的健康、快速发展对我国国民经济有重要影响,同时作为劳动密集产业,建筑业的和谐发展是建设和谐社会的必备条件。然而伴随着管理层与劳务层的分离,施工企业在劳务用工管理中劳务纠纷不断、质量安全问题层出不穷,为改变这一现状,促使建筑业健康、快速发展,施工企业与劳务分包商的合作成为新的课题。本论文以施工企.业与劳务分包商的关系为研究重点。 首先,本文运用价值链理论、资源能力理论、交易成本理论和博弈理论分析论证了施工企业与劳务分包商合作伙伴关系形成的内在动力和深层原因,得出施工企业与劳务分包商的最优关系是合作伙伴关系的结论。 其次,施工企业与劳务分包商的合作关系是以施工企业构建建设供应链为基础的,因此,本文以供应链管理理论为指导,从施工企业角度研究施工企业与劳务分包商合作伙伴关系管理。研究施工企业对劳务分包商管理,构建了劳务分包商管理流程,对劳务分包商选择管理、履约评价进行了较为深入的探讨,运用TOPSIS法建立劳务分包商选择评价模型,运用模糊层次法建立劳务分包商履约评价模型,并结合具体案例证明其有效性。 最后,研究施工企业与劳务分包商的协调管理,提出了劳务分包下的协调管理理论,建立了由组织机制、沟通机制、利益分配激励机制、合同约束机制和冲突协商机制等构成的协调机制。
[Abstract]:The construction industry has become one of the pillar industries of our national economy. Its healthy and rapid development has an important impact on the national economy of our country, at the same time, as a labor-intensive industry, The harmonious development of the construction industry is a necessary condition for building a harmonious society. However, with the separation of the management and the labor service layer, the labor disputes in the labor service management of the construction enterprises are incessant, and the quality and safety problems emerge one after another in order to change the present situation. In order to promote the healthy and rapid development of the construction industry, the cooperation between construction enterprises and labor subcontractors has become a new topic. This paper focuses on the relationship between construction enterprises, industry and labor subcontractors. First of all, this paper uses value chain theory, resource ability theory, transaction cost theory and game theory to analyze and prove the inner motive force and deep reason of the cooperative partnership between construction enterprise and labor subcontractor. The conclusion is that the optimal relationship between construction enterprises and labor subcontractors is partnership. Secondly, the cooperative relationship between construction enterprises and labor service subcontractors is based on the construction enterprises' construction supply chain, therefore, this paper is guided by the supply chain management theory. From the point of view of construction enterprises, this paper studies the partnership management between construction enterprises and labor service subcontractors, studies the construction enterprises' management of labor service subcontractors, constructs the management process of labor service subcontractors, and selects and manages the labor service subcontractors. The performance evaluation is discussed deeply, the evaluation model of labor subcontractor selection is established by TOPSIS method, the performance evaluation model of labor subcontractor is established by fuzzy hierarchy method, and its validity is proved by concrete cases. Finally, the coordinated management between construction enterprises and labor subcontractors is studied, and the coordination management theory under labor subcontracting is put forward, and the mechanism of organization, communication and interest distribution is established. The coordination mechanism is composed of contract binding mechanism and conflict negotiation mechanism.
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