本文选题:新疆喀纳斯 + 国家地质公园 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:喀纳斯国家地质公园,位于新疆维吾尔自治区布尔津县境内,北与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯和蒙古三国毗邻。公园内地质遗迹景观类型多样、保存系统完整、分布集中,以喀纳斯湖、第四纪冰川地貌和河湾景观为特色,是距今约二百万年以来的第四纪时期,经由构造、冰川、流水共同作用形成的,具有很高的保护价值、科普价值和旅游开发价值。 新疆是我国地质遗迹景观最为富集的地区之一,与丰富的地质遗迹景观相比,新疆地质公园的建设还很不足。喀纳斯国家地质公园是新疆最早建立的国家地质公园,旅游发展势头迅猛,目前已成为新疆的龙头景区。但是,在喀纳斯旅游开发快速发展的过程中,面临着地质公园的保护、科普和旅游开发不能协调发展的问题,缺少从旅游地学和地质公园的角度进行系统的研究,严重的制约了地质公园的可持续发展。有鉴于此,论文选择喀纳斯国家地质公园开展研究,对于促进喀纳斯地质公园的全面协调发展和世界地质公园的申报,促进新疆地质遗迹的保护和地质公园的建设,促进边疆地区和少数民族地区的经济发展,都具有重要意义。 论文分为三个部分共七章,第一部分对喀纳斯国家地质公园的自然地理、地质背景进行了分析;第二部分建立了地质遗迹景观的分类体系,重点研究了地质遗迹景观特征和成因演化,开展了地质遗迹景观的对比分析与定性、定量评价;第三部分在前面研究的基础上,建立了公园“保护、科普和旅游”三位一体的可持续发展模式(PST模式)。 通过上述系统的综合研究,论文取得的主要认识和结论如下: (1)首次系统的分析了喀纳斯国家地质公园地质遗迹景观形成的地质背景。喀纳斯地质公园地质遗迹景观在地质历史演化过程中经历了两大阶段:第一阶段,前第四纪地质时期,是地质遗迹景观的物质基础和构造格架形成的阶段;第二阶段,第四纪地质时期,是地质遗迹景观最终形成的阶段,这一阶段,新构造运动、第四纪冰川作用、流水作用,共同构成了地质遗迹景观形成的动力。 (2)运用最新的旅游地学理论和地质公园研究成果,提出了地质遗迹景观的分类方案,将地质遗迹景观划分为7大类26类61亚类。并运用这一分类方案,将喀纳斯地质公园的地质遗迹景观划分为5大类12类21亚类310余处景观,并进一步组合为湖泊景观、冰川地貌和河流景观3类共4个地质遗迹景观组合带,首次建立了喀纳斯地质公园的地质遗迹景观体系。 (3)从地质遗迹景观的角度,深入、系统的分析了喀纳斯湖地质遗迹景观的湖泊地貌形态、水位水体和沉积物特征。在此基础上,系统的分析了喀纳斯湖形成的地质条件,首次建立了公园“构造-冰川-湖泊”的地质遗迹景观演化体系,分析了地质遗迹景观演化过程与发展趋势,认为新构造运动自始至终控制着湖泊的发展和演化,湖泊的形成起源于上新世末-更新世初古阿尔泰山准平原的解体,在中更新世多次冰川作用(冰川侵蚀和冰川堆积的共同作用)的塑造下,于晚更新世形成了喀纳斯湖。湖泊形成后继续发展演化,水位下降、面积缩小,形成了今天的形态,并且湖盆的断陷作用还在持续,,湖泊还在进一步发展之中。 (4)从地质遗迹景观的角度,按冰川侵蚀地貌、冰川堆积地貌、冰缘地貌,系统的描述了公园内的冰川地貌特征,并首次对地质公园内的57处冰斗、63处冰川湖泊等进行了系统的分析和研究。综合已有研究成果,将地质公园的第四纪冰川作用划分为三期:中更新世的倒数第三冰期;晚更新世早期的倒数第二冰期;以及晚更新世末的末次冰期(喀纳斯冰期),其中末次冰期又划分为两个阶段:早阶段和晚阶段。在此基础上,系统的分析了第四纪冰川地貌的形成和演化过程。 (5)对地质公园地质遗迹景观资源进行了国内外对比,对比认为,公园喀纳斯湖是我国第二深的淡水湖,第四纪冰川地貌代表了亚洲阿尔泰山地独特的地质风景,是世界中高纬度内的大陆性山岳冰川地貌的典型代表。在此基础上,首次从保护价值、科普价值和旅游开发价值三个方面,对公园地质遗迹景观进行定性和定量评价,建立了地质遗迹景观的评价体系,评价确定出公园主要的地质遗迹景观(群)93处,其中2处为世界级地质遗迹景观,6处为国家级地质遗迹景观。 (6)在对喀纳斯地质公园开发现状与存在问题进行深入分析的基础上,结合我国地质公园的发展现状和喀纳斯的实际情况,首次提出了地质公园的“保护、科普和旅游”三位一体的可持续发展模式(PST模式),包括3项系统10大工程6项保障措施。三大系统是相互作用、有机组合的,其中,保护是前提、科普是基础、旅游开发是保障。
[Abstract]:Kanas National Geopark , located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , is adjacent to the three countries of Kazakhstan , Russia and Mongolia .
Xinjiang is one of the most abundant geological relics in China . Compared with rich geological heritage landscape , the construction of Xinjiang Geopark is not enough . The national geological park in Kanas is the first national geological park established in Xinjiang . The development momentum of tourism has become a leading scenic spot in Xinjiang . However , in the process of rapid development of tourism development in Kanas , it is important to promote the comprehensive coordinated development of the karst geological park and the declaration of the World Geological Park , promote the protection of Xinjiang geological heritage and the construction of the geological park , and promote the economic development of the border areas and the minority areas .
The thesis is divided into three parts , seven chapters , the first part analyzes the natural geography and geological background of the Kanas National Geopark ;
In the second part , the classification system of geological vestige is established , and the characteristics and genesis of geological vestige are studied , and the comparative analysis and qualitative and quantitative evaluation of geological vestige landscape are carried out .
In the third part , on the basis of the previous research , the sustainable development mode ( PST mode ) of the park " protection , science popularization and tourism " is established .
Through the comprehensive research of the above system , the main understanding and conclusion of the thesis are as follows :
( 1 ) The geological background of the geological heritage landscape of Kanas National Geopark is analyzed for the first time . The geological heritage landscape of the karst geological park has undergone two major stages in the evolution of geological history : the first stage , the first quaternary geological period , the material basis of the geological remains landscape and the formation stage of tectonic framework ;
The second stage , the Quaternary geologic time , is the stage of the final formation of the geological remains , this stage , the neotectonic movement , the Quaternary glacial action and the flowing action , together constitute the motive force for the formation of the geological heritage landscape .
( 2 ) Based on the latest tourism geoscience theory and the research results of geological park , the classification scheme of geological heritage landscape is put forward , and the geological vestige is divided into seven categories , such as class 26 and 61 . The geological vestige of karst geological park is divided into five types , such as lake landscape , glacial landform and river landscape .
( 3 ) Based on the analysis of the geological conditions of the lake , the paper analyzes the geological conditions of the karst lakes , and analyses the evolution process and development trend of the lake .
( 4 ) From the view of geological vestige , the glacial features of the park are described according to the glacial erosion , glacial accumulation , glacial geomorphy and system , and the system analysis and research are carried out for the first time in 57 ice buckets and 63 glacial lakes in the geological park .
the reciprocal second glacial stage of the early Pleistocene ;
The last ice age is divided into two stages : the early stage and the late stage . On this basis , the formation and evolution of Quaternary glacial landform are analyzed .
( 5 ) At home and abroad , the landscape resources of geological heritage sites in the geological park are compared and compared . In contrast , the Quaternary glacial features represent the unique geological landscape of Altai Mountain in Asia , and it is the typical representative of continental mountain - in - law landscape in the high latitude of the world . On this basis , the evaluation system of geological heritage landscape is established for the first time .
( 6 ) Based on an in - depth analysis of the present situation and existing problems of the development of the geological park in Kanas , the sustainable development mode ( PST mode ) of " protection , science popularization and tourism " of the geological park is first put forward in the context of the present situation of the development of the geological park in China and the actual situation of Kanas . The three systems are interactive and organically combined , in which the protection is the premise , and the science popularization is the foundation , and the tourism development is guarantee .
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