本文选题:蒙古族特色餐饮空间 + 文化符号 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:蒙古族是具有悠久历史和灿烂文化的民族,,在历史上曾经有过叱诧风云的雄风,对整个人类的文明进程产生过巨大影响。辽阔无边的北方草原生活造就了我国蒙古族粗犷、豪放的性格,形成了独具特色的蒙古族文化。 在当下这个快速消费的时代,“文化”越来越成为一种物质资源被大众消费。“民族文化”因其独特的异域风情,能给人们带来心理上的新奇感和精神上的满足感,而快速被充满猎奇的现代人所接受和推崇,民族艺术正迎来它的春天。然而当民族文化沦为商业消费品的同时,就注定会迅速普及和商业化。如何保持“民族文化”的内涵,将“特色”永久的保鲜,以及如何改善民族文化的传承是当下人们应该深入思考的问题。 蒙古族特色餐饮业随着内蒙古自治区经济社会的持续稳定快速发展,旅游业的快速迈进,其规模迅速扩大,随之带动起来的蒙古族特色餐饮空间的设计也在不断的完善,越来越成为民族文化传播的重要平台。蒙古族特色餐饮空间中出现的民族特色缺失、文化符号不精确等问题,不益于民族文化的正面传播。本论文基于这样的现实,重点研究内蒙古特色文化在蒙古族特色餐饮空间设计中的文化表达问题,力求寻找一种方式将蒙古族文化通过蒙古族特色餐饮空间传播出去,不再像从前那样,大多数设计师只会将那些熟悉的元素和图案,程式化的使用到空间中。例如壁画是一种很好的讲民族故事的手法,而大部分的空间都只会把它放到背景墙或形象墙上作为装饰使用,其实换种想法换种方式呈现,或许壁画可以在空间中发挥更好的效果更多的效力。笔者推崇文化的原生态和纯粹性,不希望原汁原味的特色文化被后人过分解读后不负责任的运用到空间中,本文在大量的理论资料收集整理、社会实践调查等基础之上,列举出一些文化表达的新思路,同时将以蒙古族特色餐饮空间作为载体,试图探索一种轻松、活泼、愉悦的表达方式,让草原文化在顾客的互动游戏中、在顾客欢声笑语的就餐环境里传播出去,使顾客潜移默化的了解和接受这种民族文化,深刻体会到这份特色文化大餐,从而达到草原文化在内蒙古特色餐饮空间中的快乐演绎和轻松传播。最后希望本文的研究能为蒙古族文化在空间表达这方面尽微薄之力,为草原文化的传达与传承提供一些新思路。
[Abstract]:The Mongolian nationality is a nation with a long history and splendid culture. In history, it once had a great surprise and had a great influence on the civilization process of the whole human being. The vast and boundless northern prairie has created the rough and bold character of the Mongolian people in our country, and formed a unique Mongolian culture.
In this era of rapid consumption, "culture" has become more and more material resources being consumed by the masses. "National culture" is able to bring psychological novelty and spiritual satisfaction to people because of its unique exotic customs, and the modern people who are fast filled with curiosity are accepted and respected. National art is coming to its spring. However, when national culture is reduced to commercial consumer goods, it is doomed to be rapidly popularized and commercialized. How to keep the connotation of "national culture", keep the "characteristic" fresh and how to improve the heritage of national culture are the problems that people should think deeply in the moment.
With the rapid development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's economic and social stability, the rapid development of the tourism industry and the rapid expansion of the tourism industry, the design of the Mongolian characteristic catering space has been constantly improved, and more and more become an important platform for the spread of national culture. The lack of national characteristics and imprecise cultural symbols do not benefit the positive propagation of national culture. Based on this reality, this paper focuses on the cultural expression of Inner Mongolia characteristic culture in the design of Mongolian characteristic catering space, and seeks to find a way to spread the Mongolian culture through the Mongolian characteristic dining space. No longer, as before, most designers will only use the familiar elements and patterns into space. For example, the murals are a good way to tell the national story, and most of the space will be used only in the background wall or the image wall. The murals can play a better effect in space. I admire the original ecology and purity of the culture, and do not want the original flavor culture to be used in the space after the descendants are decomposed and read. This article lists some cultural tables on the basis of a large number of theoretical data collection, social practice and so on. The new idea, at the same time, will take the Mongolian characteristic catering space as the carrier, trying to explore a relaxed, lively and joyful expression, let the grassland culture spread out in the interactive game of the customer and in the dining environment of the customers' laughter and laughter, so that the customers can understand and accept this national culture with a subtle understanding and acceptance of this special culture. In order to achieve the joyful deduction and easy dissemination of the grassland culture in Inner Mongolia characteristic catering space, it is hoped that this study can provide some new ideas for the communication and inheritance of the grassland culture for the Mongolian culture in the space expression.
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