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发布时间:2018-05-27 12:35

  本文选题:低碳建筑 + 因素分析 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在城市化进程加速、能源紧张和环境恶化的时代,建筑业走低碳发展之路是资源紧缺、温室效应和环境污染反省后的必然选择,建筑业的低碳发展势在必行。目前,国内外有关低碳建筑的著作、论文也较多,但是大多都是定性方面的研究,至今对于低碳建筑影响因素确定没有一个全面的、规范的体系。因此,论文回顾了国内外低碳建筑发展的研究现状,全面探讨了发展低碳建筑的理论和方法,并构建了影响低碳建筑发展的因素框架体系,试图运用定性与定量相结合的系统分析法得出影响因素权重,为政府制定低碳建筑的发展政策提供基础性的资料。具体研究内容及结论如下: (1)通过介绍发展低碳建筑的研究背景及意义,说明低碳建筑发展的重要性和研究的必要性,针对国内外低碳建筑的发展历史和研究成果,总结出我国在影响低碳建筑发展因素的基础研究方面还不够深入、全面,且存在的一些问题,并对其提出了改进意见。 (2)明确低碳建筑内涵,分别阐述了可持续建筑、生态建筑、绿色建筑、节能建筑和低碳建筑的内涵、特点,以及与低碳建筑的区别,介绍境外地区成功推广低碳建筑经验。 (3)综合文献研究基础上,根据制约低碳建筑发展因素框架体系的构建原则及因素的选择方法,从社会、经济、技术、管理四个方面分析低碳建筑发展的影响因素,构建二级低碳建筑影响因素层次结构模型,针对各个二级因素的内涵做了个详细的阐述。 (4)在采用信度分析来保证问卷有效性的前提下,对影响低碳建筑发展的因素采用专家调查法,并应用层次分析——DEMATEL(改进层次分析法)相结合的方法,就框架体系中的影响因素进行处理,结合YAAHP软件辅助计算影响因素权重,得出制约低碳建筑发展的五项关键影响因素。 (5)借鉴境外地区推广低碳建筑成功经验,结合我国国情,提出推动低碳建筑发展的相应对策与推广运行模式。 (6)总结本论文研究成果,并提出有待进一步深入研究的地方。
[Abstract]:In the era of accelerating urbanization, energy stress and environmental deterioration, the development of low carbon in construction industry is a resource shortage. After introspection of Greenhouse Effect and environmental pollution, the low-carbon development of construction industry is imperative. At present, there are many works on low-carbon architecture at home and abroad, but most of them are qualitative studies. So far, there is not a comprehensive and normative system to determine the influencing factors of low-carbon buildings. Therefore, this paper reviews the current situation of the development of low-carbon buildings at home and abroad, discusses the theory and methods of the development of low-carbon buildings, and constructs a framework system of factors affecting the development of low-carbon buildings. This paper attempts to obtain the weight of influence factors by using the systematic analysis method combining qualitative and quantitative analysis to provide the basic data for the government to formulate the development policy of low-carbon buildings. The specific contents and conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. By introducing the research background and significance of the development of low-carbon buildings, the importance of the development of low-carbon buildings and the necessity of research are explained, aiming at the development history and research results of low-carbon buildings at home and abroad. This paper summarizes some problems existing in the basic research of the factors affecting the development of low-carbon buildings in China and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. 2) define the connotation of low carbon building, expound the connotation and characteristics of sustainable building, ecological building, green building, energy saving building and low carbon building, and introduce the experience of successful promotion of low carbon building in overseas area. On the basis of comprehensive literature research, according to the construction principles and selection methods of the frame system of factors restricting the development of low-carbon buildings, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of the development of low-carbon buildings from four aspects: society, economy, technology and management. This paper constructs the hierarchical structure model of the influence factors of two-stage low-carbon buildings, and elaborates the connotation of each two-class factors in detail. 4) under the premise of reliability analysis to ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the factors that affect the development of low-carbon buildings are investigated by experts, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to combine it with DEMATELL (improved Analytic hierarchy process). This paper deals with the influencing factors in the frame system and combines the YAAHP software to calculate the weight of the influencing factors. Five key influencing factors restricting the development of low-carbon buildings are obtained. 5) draw lessons from the successful experience of promoting low-carbon building in overseas areas, combining with the national conditions of our country, put forward the corresponding countermeasures to promote the development of low-carbon building and promote the operation mode. 6) summing up the research results of this paper, and putting forward some points for further study.


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