本文选题:乡村景观 + 文化脉络 ; 参考:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the society, the living needs of the rural people have gradually increased. China has established the policy of the new rural construction, people's attention has shifted from the city to the countryside, and the rapid urbanization has begun to develop. The construction of rural landscape also gradually received attention. However, due to the haste of village construction, the excessive emphasis on economy and one-sided pursuit of modernization and the lack of cultural identity, and the lack of legal norms related to the construction of rural landscape, the rural landscape has been seriously damaged. The neglect of culture has become a key issue. In order to promote the strong development of rural landscape planning, especially the expression of culture in rural landscape, to promote the embodiment of rural regional characteristics, and to guide the protection and utilization of natural resources, It is necessary to discuss how to combine the traditional culture of the village with the production development and living demand of the future modernization in the future development. Based on the landscape architecture, this paper attempts to study the definition, characteristics, elements and basic structure of rural landscape from the theory and characteristics of rural landscape and culture, and discusses the connotation of culture. Classification and characteristics This paper analyzes the problems existing in rural landscape planning and the importance of culture in rural landscape planning, and discusses how to integrate culture into rural landscape planning from the interrelation between the two. Then apply the theory to practice, through the field investigation of Wujiatai Village, Xuanen County, Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, and make a deep investigation on its resources and environment, historical background and social and economic situation, and analyze the traffic situation of Wujiatai Village. The present conditions of water system, vegetation, landform and architecture are analyzed and their cultural factors and cultural characteristics are abstracted and classified. Finally, the overall planning, transportation planning, industrial planning, land use planning, vegetation planning, vertical planning, service facilities planning are carried out in Wujiatai Village in the context of culture. At the same time, some public activity areas, such as Wu's ancestral Temple area, are also discussed. Gongcha Square and Festival Square for detailed landscape design. From the macro and micro aspects of the infiltration of culture, in order to provide some ideas and suggestions for the future rural landscape planning.
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