本文选题:建设工程项目 + 投标决策 ; 参考:《青岛理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于工程价格组成复杂,费用繁多,计算困难,在管理的过程中存在很多人为的、可变的以及无法预料的因素,使工程的投标报价存在一定的风险,承包企业若不重视控制风险就很容易遭受巨大的损失。所以,科学合理有策略的工程项目投标报价便成为了迫切需要解决的技术性课题。 本文从建设项目招投标现状出发,在系统介绍建设项目招投标基本理论和决策分析理论的基础上,研究了建设项目投标前期决策的基本方法、工程量清单模式下的投标报价及投标报价量化方法,其中重点对模糊理论法及其具体应用做出了分析,并在此基础上深入研究了建设工程项目投标报价决策,同时应用模糊理论法对项目个案进行分析。 研究结果显示,模糊投标决策方法可以定量处理影响分析及决策的各种模糊因素,使分析结果更加符合客观实际情况,有效提高决策的准确性及科学性。由此可见,基于模糊逻辑的投标决策法对于施工企业在日趋激烈的市场竞争中获取胜利有着至关重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Because of the complex composition of the project price, the various costs and the difficulty of calculation, there are many artificial, variable and unpredictable factors in the management process, which make the bidding price of the project have certain risks. If the contractor does not attach importance to the control of risk, it is easy to suffer huge losses. Therefore, scientific, reasonable and strategic bidding for engineering projects has become an urgent technical issue to be solved. Based on the introduction of the basic theory and decision analysis theory of the construction project bidding, this paper studies the basic methods of the early stage decision of the construction project bidding, starting from the present situation of the construction project bidding, and introducing systematically the basic theory and decision analysis theory of the construction project bidding. In this paper, the bidding quotation and its quantification method based on bill of quantities are analyzed, especially the fuzzy theory method and its concrete application are analyzed, and on the basis of this, the decision of bidding quotation of construction project is studied deeply. At the same time, the fuzzy theory is used to analyze the project cases. The results show that the fuzzy bidding decision method can deal with all kinds of fuzzy factors that affect the analysis and decision making quantitatively, make the analysis result more accord with the objective actual situation, and improve the accuracy and science of the decision effectively. It can be seen that the bidding decision method based on fuzzy logic is of vital practical significance for construction enterprises to win victory in the increasingly fierce market competition.
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