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发布时间:2018-06-26 18:59

  本文选题:工程质量 + QC方法 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:工程质量关系到国家和人民的生命和财产安全,而影响工程项目质量的因素众多,质量管理工作较为复杂,因此QC小组活动作为企业质量管理最有效的基础性活动在众多工程项目中得到广泛使用。开展QC小组活动,有利于预防质量问题和改进质量,同时能够改善和加强管理工作,提高管理水平,也极大地促进了工程项目质量管控目标的实现。本文深度结合工程实际,深入简出地论述了QC小组活动对于混凝土砌块墙体开裂的控制过程。 混凝土砌块填充墙墙体在实际施工过程中,经常出现墙体裂缝、渗漏等质量问题。市场经济的推行,商品房俨然成为奔小康中国人的最大价值的消费品。建筑的质量特别是砌块墙体裂缝、渗漏等事关使用的问题受到购买者的关注,特也是近年来投诉的焦点问题。如何运用有效的方法解决这些质量通病,是本文探讨的主要问题。 本文在对砌块墙体裂缝的国内外研究现状以及对QC方法在工程项目的运用现状充分了解的基础上,深入探讨了QC方法在工程项目中的使用原理,,并且通过列举了作者实际参与施工的两个工程例子,介绍了QC方法对于普通混凝土空心砌块墙体的裂缝控制以及对于加气混凝土砌块墙体的裂缝控制。具体阐述了包括工程概况、选择课题方向、调研现状、设定目标、分析原因、制定对策、实施政策、检查效果、巩固措施等方面。 通过开展QC攻关活动,使得混凝土砌块墙体开裂和渗漏问题得到有效控制,其次员工的素质得到了全面提高,技术水平得到提高,改进和提高了工作质量,亦为节能、环保的轻质墙体材料在外墙推广运用积累了较为丰富的经验。 QC小组在对砼小型空心砌块墙体施工过程中,采取控制墙体开裂等技术措施,减少工程返工返修费用,降低工程成本。经财务部门验证共计节约各种费用约3.95万元,收到良好的经济效益。其次,通过QC小组活动有效地解决了长期困扰公司的墙体开裂渗漏等质量问题,受到业主单位的好评,公司的知名度和信美誉度得到极大的提高,树立了良好的企业形象,创造了良好的社会效益。 QC小组活动通过:成立QC小组,提出问题、不断改进进行产品质量的管控的方途径,提高经济效益、社会效益。QC小组活动能促进对工程项目的质量进行良好的管理,并最终实现质量目标。
[Abstract]:The quality of engineering is related to the safety of life and property of the country and people. However, there are many factors that affect the quality of the project, and the work of quality management is more complicated. Therefore, QC group activities are widely used in many engineering projects as the most effective foundational activities of enterprise quality management. QC group activities can help to prevent quality problems and improve quality, at the same time, it can improve and strengthen the management work, improve the management level, and greatly promote the realization of project quality control goals. In this paper, the control process of QC group activity for cracking of concrete block wall is discussed in depth combined with engineering practice. In the actual construction process of the concrete block filled wall, the quality problems such as cracks and leakage of the wall often occur. The implementation of market economy, commercial housing has become the greatest value of well-off Chinese consumer goods. The quality of the building, especially the cracks and leakage of the block wall, has attracted the attention of buyers, and has been the focus of complaints in recent years. How to use effective methods to solve these common quality problems is the main problem discussed in this paper. Based on the domestic and international research status of block wall cracks and the full understanding of the application of QC method in engineering projects, the application principle of QC method in engineering projects is discussed in this paper. Through two engineering examples in which the author actually participated in the construction, the crack control of ordinary concrete hollow block wall and the crack control of aerated concrete block wall by QC method are introduced. It includes the general situation of the project, the choice of the direction of the subject, the status quo of investigation, the setting of the goal, the analysis of the reasons, the formulation of the countermeasures, the implementation of the policy, the inspection effect, the consolidation measures, and so on. Through QC activities, cracking and leakage of concrete block wall can be effectively controlled. Secondly, the quality of staff has been comprehensively improved, the technical level has been improved, and the quality of work has been improved and improved, which is also energy saving. The application of environmental protection lightweight wall materials in the exterior wall has accumulated rich experience. QC team has taken technical measures such as controlling wall cracking in the construction process of small concrete hollow block wall, so as to reduce the cost of rework and rework. Reduce the cost of the project. The financial department verified that the total cost savings of about 39500 yuan, received good economic benefits. Secondly, through QC group activities, the quality problems such as wall cracking and leakage, which have been plagued the company for a long time, have been effectively solved, which have been praised by the owners and units, the company's popularity and credibility have been greatly improved, and a good corporate image has been established. QC group activities: set up QC group, put forward problems, continuously improve the way of product quality control, increase economic benefits, Social benefits. QC group activities can promote good quality management of engineering projects and ultimately achieve quality goals.


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