发布时间:2018-07-14 17:47
【摘要】:现代公园作为城市的绿肺,在人文、社会和生态等多方面发挥着重要作用,已成为现代城市不可或缺的重要组成部分。中国古典园林有着上千年的悠久历史,而现代公园设计则深受西方模式影响。在城市公园建设日渐盛行的今天,其地方特色和文脉体现的问题已越来越多地被园林艺术的研究者和城市公园的规划设计者所重视,如何摆脱西方模式的束缚,如何充分开发、合理利用并表现和宣传地方的自然特征和文化特征,最终形成自己独特的和具有时代特征的公园设计理念和风格成为设计研究的重点问题。通过古今中外园林的对比研究,并分析当前公园建设存在的问题和对其的需求能提供一个良好的突破口。然而园林艺术是一个内容丰富,涉及广泛的综合体,对其进行彻底研究远不是本文有限篇幅所能实现的,因此本文选取古典园林与城市公园共有的基本组成之一——园路系统为研究对象。韦松林等将园路系统定义为分布于城市公园绿地基础上的,由各型园路、铺装场地及园路附属设施等构成的综合体。无论在古典园林还是现代城市公园中,园路都是十分重要的元素,是园林的骨骼和血脉,不仅对园林的观光、交通的组织起重要的引导和疏通作用,还在景观的设计、意蕴的表达和促进交往等方面有独特的效果,从园路出发对古典园林和现代城市公园进行比较研究,能起到以小见大的效果。 本文首先对中国古典园林和现代城市公园园路系统的研究历史和现状进行了充分调研,对古今园林园路系统的研究成果、存在的问题和发展前景有了充分的了解。 其次,对中国古典园林园路系统进行了研究,从其美学意义、功能、布局、铺装设计等方面分别进行了论述。古典园林的园路设计主要服务于古代精英阶层的审美需求,其艺术性和意境美是处于首要位置的,而功能、布局和铺装设计都是以此为核心的,因此功能上以引导观景,配合造景为主;布局上注重营造曲径通幽的意境;铺装设计形式多样,讲究意蕴的表达。 然后,对现代城市公园园路系统进行了研究,从其功能、布局和铺装等方面分别进行了论述。现代城市公园属于服务社会的基础设施,因此其园路系统相比之下更注重功能性的实现,除了组织交通、分隔景观外,,还要协调组织园内基础设施如排水、电路和通信系统,而更重要的是为游客提供活动、交流的场所,具有更强的社会属性;布局上由于对其多样的需求而层次化,注重因地制宜和以人为本;而铺装上由于现代科技艺术的发展,材料选择丰富多样,对于园路与周围景观的色彩搭配颇为讲究。 最后,对现代城市公园与古典园林的园路系统进行了对比研究。在现代城市公园园路系统对古典园林的传承方面,注重对于意境的追求,铺装样式也丰富多样;在现代城市公园园路系统对古典园林的创新方面,首先体现在其以人为本、服务大众的理念上,其次体现在其空间开放、联通城市的形式上,然后体现在其现代化科学化的布局和功能的多重多样上,最后体现在其对于现代科学和艺术成果的灵活运用上;对于现代城市公园园路系统相对存在的问题,一方面表现为设计理念过于西化,另一方面表现为由于建设速度过快而导致的形式快餐化和设计匮乏化;对于未来城市公园园路系统设计的建议,本文从其所表现出的问题出发,提出了注重文脉的表达和注重设计的创造性的建议,并举出了典型案例作为参考。
[Abstract]:As the city ' s green lung , modern park plays an important role in human , society and ecology , and has become an indispensable part of modern city .
In this paper , the research history and present situation of Chinese classical gardens and modern urban park road systems are fully investigated , and the research results , problems and development prospects of ancient and modern garden road systems are fully understood .
Secondly , the study of Chinese classical garden road system has been discussed from aspects of aesthetics meaning , function , layout , paving design , etc . Classical garden design mainly serves the aesthetic needs of ancient elite stratum , its artistic and artistic conception are in the first place , while function , layout and paving design are the core , so function , layout and paving design are the core , therefore , the function is guided by the view , the cooperation is the main ;
The layout pays attention to creating the artistic conception of the path of the path ;
The design of the pavement is varied and the expression of implication is exquisite .
The modern city park is a service society ' s infrastructure , so the park road system is more focused on the realization of the function , besides organizing the traffic and separating the landscape , it is necessary to coordinate the infrastructure such as drainage , circuit and communication system .
Due to its diverse needs , the layout is based on local conditions and people - oriented ;
However , due to the development of modern science and technology art , the material selection is rich and diverse , and the color collocation of the garden path and the surrounding landscape is quite exquisite .
Finally , a comparative study of modern urban park and classical gardens is carried out . In the inheritance of classical gardens in the modern city park garden system , attention is paid to the pursuit of artistic conception , and the paving pattern is rich and diverse ;
On the innovation of modern city park garden system to the classical gardens , it is first embodied in the concept of people - oriented and serving the masses , secondly in the form of its open space and communication city , then embodied in the multi - diversity of its modern scientific layout and function , and finally embodied in its flexible use of modern science and artistic achievement ;
On the other hand , the problem of the relative existence of the modern urban park road system shows that the design concept is too western , and on the other hand , it is characterized by fast food and lack of design due to the too fast construction speed ;
On the basis of the suggestions of the design of the future urban park road system , this paper puts forward the suggestion of paying attention to the expression of the context and the creative design of design , and points out the typical case as a reference .
[Abstract]:As the city ' s green lung , modern park plays an important role in human , society and ecology , and has become an indispensable part of modern city .
In this paper , the research history and present situation of Chinese classical gardens and modern urban park road systems are fully investigated , and the research results , problems and development prospects of ancient and modern garden road systems are fully understood .
Secondly , the study of Chinese classical garden road system has been discussed from aspects of aesthetics meaning , function , layout , paving design , etc . Classical garden design mainly serves the aesthetic needs of ancient elite stratum , its artistic and artistic conception are in the first place , while function , layout and paving design are the core , so function , layout and paving design are the core , therefore , the function is guided by the view , the cooperation is the main ;
The layout pays attention to creating the artistic conception of the path of the path ;
The design of the pavement is varied and the expression of implication is exquisite .
The modern city park is a service society ' s infrastructure , so the park road system is more focused on the realization of the function , besides organizing the traffic and separating the landscape , it is necessary to coordinate the infrastructure such as drainage , circuit and communication system .
Due to its diverse needs , the layout is based on local conditions and people - oriented ;
However , due to the development of modern science and technology art , the material selection is rich and diverse , and the color collocation of the garden path and the surrounding landscape is quite exquisite .
Finally , a comparative study of modern urban park and classical gardens is carried out . In the inheritance of classical gardens in the modern city park garden system , attention is paid to the pursuit of artistic conception , and the paving pattern is rich and diverse ;
On the innovation of modern city park garden system to the classical gardens , it is first embodied in the concept of people - oriented and serving the masses , secondly in the form of its open space and communication city , then embodied in the multi - diversity of its modern scientific layout and function , and finally embodied in its flexible use of modern science and artistic achievement ;
On the other hand , the problem of the relative existence of the modern urban park road system shows that the design concept is too western , and on the other hand , it is characterized by fast food and lack of design due to the too fast construction speed ;
On the basis of the suggestions of the design of the future urban park road system , this paper puts forward the suggestion of paying attention to the expression of the context and the creative design of design , and points out the typical case as a reference .
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1 李康淳;孟琦;谷康;;园路中的无障碍设计浅析[J];林业科技开发;2012年04期