[Abstract]:Concrete freeze-thaw damage will bring damage to the infrastructure in the negative temperature area. Concrete in practical service is usually subjected to complex mechanical loads and environmental factors, and its deterioration process is a complex process of physical, chemical and mechanical interaction. The durability of concrete under multi-factor conditions is studied. It can provide basis for durability evaluation and life prediction of practical concrete engineering, and guide concrete durability design in practical engineering. In this paper, the common concrete mixed with fly ash and slag powder (FA-BFS concrete) is used as the research object to simulate the multi-factors of concrete in practical engineering, and to explore the performance degradation law and evaluation method of concrete under multi-factor synergistic action. The deformation of concrete matrix was monitored by a adhesive strain gauge, and the changes of the matrix residual strain and the apparent frost heave coefficient during the freezing process were studied, and the results of comparison with the traditional freezing resistance parameters and the evolution law of the residual strain were combined. The damage model of freeze-thaw failure of concrete is proposed. In this paper, the following research results are obtained: 1) the form of concrete deterioration under the action of two factors and three factors and the influence of each factor on the deterioration process of concrete are clarified. 2) the concrete is characterized by strain. Internal damage caused by freezing and thawing. During freeze-thaw process, the concrete matrix produces irreversible residual strain, which is directly related to the formation and propagation of pore structure and cracks in the matrix under freeze-thaw conditions. It can be used to characterize the damage degree of the matrix. 3) the concept of the apparent frost heave coefficient of concrete during the freezing and thawing cycle cooling process is proposed. The method to characterize the freeze-thaw damage of concrete is established. 4) the freeze-thaw damage model of concrete based on residual strain is preliminarily established, and the preliminary idea of applying it to practical engineering is put forward. The growth law of residual strain in concrete matrix is analyzed by using Boltzmann function. A preliminary model of residual strain to characterize the damage of concrete is proposed. The deterioration of concrete is divided into three stages. In the first stage, the inner solution icing expansion concrete matrix began to produce expansive microcracks, and the matrix produced large deformation. In the second stage, the internal cracks of the concrete began to conduct. In the third stage, the density of internal cracks increases and the degree of pore connectivity increases. Under the action of frost heaving force, loose saturated matrix produces destructive large deformation. 5) through experiments, three measures to enhance the durability of concrete under single action, that is, adding air entraining agent, are verified. Surface resin reinforcement and steel fiber reinforcement are still effective for durability enhancement of concrete under multi-factor synergistic conditions.
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