[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of China's construction industry, the proportion of construction output value to GDP has increased year by year, and because of the continuous improvement of construction science and technology, the scale and structural complexity of the project itself has increased. The owner put forward higher requirements to the progress of the construction. Construction schedule management is an important content in the field of engineering project management. The effect of management will directly affect the normal operation of the project and the economic and social benefits of the project. The importance of early warning of construction progress is reflected. From the point of view of current software development, many problems in the field of schedule risk warning can not be solved only by traditional construction schedule management software such as Project / P3. With the development of building information model (BuildingInformation Model,) technology, the application of BIM technology can better solve these problems. It represents the future development trend of architectural design, construction management and property management. It has a positive and far-reaching impact on the construction industry. At present, it has been successfully applied in the field of collaborative design, sustainable building and precast of building components in the field of construction in developed countries. The research and application of BIM technology in our country is still in the transitional stage of preliminary exploration stage. The research on BIM in the field of construction schedule management is less and theoretical, and the application value of BIM is not fully brought into play. In this paper, BIM technology is introduced into the field of risk warning of construction project, and the risk of project schedule is studied according to the important goal of construction project. This paper analyzes the problems in the field of schedule risk management by reading a large number of domestic and foreign literatures, and puts forward the adaptability of applying BIM to schedule risk early warning. This project applies IFC data standard, uses the construction management software Navisworks based on BIM technology as the platform, takes the C # as the foundation language to develop the prototype of the early warning system and verifies the risk early warning model proposed by this project. Based on the results of risk analysis, the risk early warning platform is verified and modified by the actual construction project data. The research of this project involves the most advanced BIM technology in the field of construction, and the research results are helpful to improve the level of risk analysis of construction projects, which has important theoretical significance and practical application value, and provides a reference for further research.
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