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发布时间:2018-08-12 17:26
【摘要】:近年来我国采暖热负荷增长迅速,采暖能耗占建筑总能耗的比例逐年提高,集中供热导致的季节性大气污染问题也日益严重。为改善现状,在我国能源结构调整的背景下,多热源联合供热系统逐渐得到更多的应用。但我国对多热源联合供热系统的技术研究存在一定的滞后,在系统的选择和设计方面尚缺乏系统的综合优化理论和决策模型。对此,本文在分析几种常见多热源联合供热系统形式和特点的基础上,建立了其热平衡方程,讨论了它们的运行调节方式,分析了调节方式对系统设计和运行的影响,考虑了经济、技术、能源和环境等指标对系统性能的影响,并将随机可接受性分析(SMAA)理论引入到多热源联合供热的综合优化研究中。 文中分析了几种常见多热源联合供热系统形式、连接方式及特点,建立了二级网全部热力站等比例调峰和一级网集中燃气和燃煤锅炉调峰多热源联合供热系统的热平衡方程,对它们的优化运行调节方式进行了研究。结果表明一级网纯质调节不能满足多热源联合供热系统的运行调节要求。建立了以费用年值为目标函数的多热源联合供热系统技术经济分析模型和基于能质系数的能耗分析模型,研究了调节方式对多热源联合供热系统初投资和运行费用的影响,以及多种调峰方式的经济性及能耗随基本负荷比β值的变化趋势。 探讨了二级网部分热力站调峰联合供热系统运行调节和负荷调度遵循的一般规律,结果表明该系统应采用质量-流量综合调节的方法进行供热调节,调峰开始后用改变热力站间流量分配的手段进行负荷调度。针对新建和改扩建的二级网部分热力站燃气锅炉调峰联合供热系统,分别给出了确定调峰锅炉的设置位置和容量及系统最优基本负荷比的方法。比较了二级网全部热力站燃气锅炉等比例调峰和部分热力站燃气锅炉调峰方案的优劣。 建立了一种新型的基于最新大气扩散模式AERMOD的多热源联合供热系统热源环境影响模拟和评价模型,考虑了热源和人口分布的影响,在模拟污染物扩散空间分布的基础上,提出综合反映供热系统热源大气环境影响的指标——污染物平均空间分布(MSD)。利用政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的统计数据库和计算方法讨论多热源联合供热系统的温室气体CO_2减排潜力。将上述模型应用到几种常见多热源联合供热系统形式中,研究二级网全部热力站燃气锅炉等比例调峰和部分热力站燃气锅炉调峰,一级网集中燃气和燃煤锅炉调峰的大气环境影响,并比较集中和分布式燃气锅炉调峰对大气环境影响的区别。 建立了多热源联合供热系统综合优化指标体系,引入基于互补判断矩阵的模糊层次分析法来计算指标权重。为克服采用单一权重向量对权重判断信息利用不足的缺点,提出权重可行域的概念,将传统的权重向量扩展到权重空间。 最后,基于SMAA开展了多热源联合供热系统的综合优化。建立了可同时处理定量和定性问题的SMAA-2和SMAA-O有机结合模型,,采用Monte-Carlo法模拟具有特定概率密度的指标和权重分布,通过计算各方案的相关统计量,如全局可接受性指标、效用函数、排序可接受性指标、中心权重向量、置信因子和交叉置信因子等进行综合优化,并分析了各方案对所有指标的部分效用函数,研究了不同指标对供热方案效用函数的贡献程度。利用上述模型研究以燃煤锅炉房为基本热源的多热源联合供热系统的调峰方式综合优化。基于SMAA的多指标综合优化不仅给出了指标表现值分布和权重可行域内可能的最优方案,还给出了这些方案达到最优的中心权重向量和概率,采用了交叉置信因子来进一步区分比较相近的方案,根据全局可接受性指标对方案进行排序,增强了综合优化结论的合理性和可靠性。 本文在总结几种常见多热源联合供热系统形式的基础上,给出了不同系统设计及运行工况的相关参数计算方法,分别建立了各种系统的热平衡方程,在此基础上,深入研究了它们的调节方式及其对多热源联合供热系统的设计和运行的影响。系统分析了影响多热源联合供热系统性能的各种影响因素,并从经济、技术、能源及环境等方面对多热源联合供热系统进行了综合优化。本研究可以为今后多热源联合供热系统的规划和设计提供一定的理论基础,并为系统的合理运行起到一定的参考作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the heating load has increased rapidly in China, the proportion of heating energy consumption to total building energy consumption has increased year by year, and the seasonal air pollution caused by central heating has become increasingly serious. There is a certain lag in the technical research of heating system, and there is still a lack of comprehensive optimization theory and decision-making model in the selection and design of heating system. The effects of regulation modes on system design and operation are considered. The influence of economy, technology, energy and environment on system performance is considered. The theory of random acceptability analysis (SMAA) is introduced into the comprehensive optimization of multi-heat source combined heating.
In this paper, several common forms, connection modes and characteristics of multi-heat source combined heating systems are analyzed, and the heat balance equations of the two-stage network with all thermal stations and the one-stage network with centralized gas and coal-fired boiler with multi-heat source combined heating systems are established. Their optimal operation and regulation modes are studied. The results show that the first-stage network is pure. The technical and economic analysis model of multi-heat-source combined heating system with annual cost value as objective function and the energy consumption analysis model based on energy-quality coefficient are established. The changing trend of economy and energy consumption of various peak shaving modes with the ratio of basic load to beta value.
This paper discusses the general rules of operation regulation and load dispatch of the peak-shaving combined heating system of some thermal power stations in the secondary network. The results show that the system should adopt the method of quality-flow comprehensive regulation for heating regulation. After peak-shaving, the load dispatch should be carried out by means of changing the flow distribution among the thermal power stations. The method of determining the setting position and capacity of the peak-shaving boiler and the optimal basic load ratio of the system are given respectively for the peak-shaving combined heating system of gas-fired boilers in some heat stations of the power grid.
A new model for simulating and evaluating the environmental impact of multi-heat sources combined heating system based on the latest atmospheric diffusion model AERMOD is established. Considering the influence of heat source and population distribution, the pollutant, which is a comprehensive index reflecting the atmospheric environmental impact of heat source in heating system, is proposed on the basis of simulating the spatial distribution of pollutant diffusion. Mean Spatial Distribution (MSD). The potential of reducing greenhouse gas CO_2 emission in multi-heat source combined heating system is discussed by using the statistical database and calculation method of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The model is applied to several common multi-heat source combined heating systems to study the proportional regulation of gas-fired boilers in all thermal stations of the secondary network. The atmospheric environmental impacts of peak shaving of gas-fired boilers in Fenghe and some thermal power stations and peak shaving of gas-fired boilers in primary network and coal-fired boilers are compared.
A comprehensive optimization index system for multi-heat source combined heating system is established, and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process based on complementary judgment matrix is introduced to calculate the index weight.
Finally, the SMA-2 and SMAA-O organic combination models which can deal with both quantitative and qualitative problems are established. The Monte-Carlo method is used to simulate the index and weight distribution with specific probability density. By calculating the correlation statistics of each scheme, such as the global acceptability index, the efficiency is improved. By using the function, sorting acceptability index, central weight vector, confidence factor and cross-confidence factor, the comprehensive optimization is carried out, and the partial utility functions of each scheme for all indexes are analyzed, and the contribution degree of different indexes to the utility function of heating scheme is studied. Synthetic optimization of peak shaving modes for combined source heating systems based on SMA not only gives the distribution of index performance values and possible optimal schemes in weight feasible regions, but also gives the optimal central weight vector and probability of these schemes. Cross-confidence factors are used to further distinguish the similar schemes. The scheme is sorted according to the global acceptability index, which enhances the rationality and reliability of the comprehensive optimization conclusion.
On the basis of summarizing several common forms of multi-heat source combined heating system, this paper presents the calculation methods of relevant parameters for different system design and operation conditions, establishes the heat balance equations of various systems respectively, and on this basis, studies their regulation modes and the design and operation of multi-heat source combined heating system. The influence of various factors on the performance of multi-heat-source combined heating system is analyzed systematically, and the multi-heat-source combined heating system is optimized comprehensively from the aspects of economy, technology, energy and environment. Operation plays a certain reference role.


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