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发布时间:2018-09-19 14:13
【摘要】:目前建筑物结构改造加固正处于大规模发展的时期,加固改造的工程结构受力特点较新建建筑更加复杂,建筑经过改造后其荷载、应力都将发生变化还将产生二次应力,选用何种加固方法对结构进行合理的加固设计是不少设计人员面临的问题。它要求设计人员要对其工程进行全面的了解与分析,依据详细的结构检测报告从整体上分析改造加固对建筑结构带来的影响,盲目进行设计将使建筑改造工作达不到预期的效果,甚至有可能降低结构的整体安全性。本文将与实际工程相结合,,对已有建筑物可靠性鉴定检测评估和加固设计进行了系统的分析和理论探讨。主要研究内容有: (1)概括介绍了当今结构检测鉴定、结构加固设计研究的必要性和国内外发展现状;介绍了相关规范的发展,提出现行建筑物检测鉴定和加固设计相关工作对国家发展的意义。 (2)简明扼要的介绍了民用建筑可靠性鉴定评级的流程,鉴定的相关标准和评级要求,总结出工程结构检测鉴定过程所能遵循的规律;介绍了已有建筑结构失效概率与可靠度指标间对应关系;列举了目前建筑结构设计新技术与传统抗震加固技术方法。 (3)对民用建筑检测过程中所使用的检测方法,检测仪器,测试过程中的数据统计和材料强度的结果分析作了较详细的介绍;针对砖混结构工程实例,运用中国建筑科学研究院的PKPM有限元分析软件中的JDJG模块对结构进行抗压承载力验算,墙体地震剪力,墙体抗震抗剪承载力验算。根据结果对工程进行了综合性可靠性评级。 (4)依据工程现状和评级结果,选用增加截面法对工程进行了加固改造设计,运用PKPM加固鉴定软件对加固方案进行了分析。 实践表明,好的加固设计必须参照可靠准确的鉴定报告,而对于优秀的结构的加固改造又具有良好的经济效益和社会效益,它符合当今建筑业大的发展潮流,及建设资源节约型,环境友好型社会。希望论文中的检测鉴定方法和加固方案对其同类工程有一定的参考价值和借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:At present, the structural reconstruction and reinforcement of buildings is in the period of large-scale development. The mechanical characteristics of the structures strengthened and reformed are more complicated than those of the new buildings. After the transformation, the loads and stresses of the buildings will change, and the secondary stresses will also be produced. It is a problem that many designers are faced with which reinforcement method should be chosen to carry on the reasonable reinforcement design to the structure. It requires the designer to have a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the project, and to analyze the impact of the reconstruction and reinforcement on the building structure as a whole according to the detailed structure inspection report. Blind design will make the reconstruction work not achieve the desired results, and may even reduce the overall safety of the structure. In this paper, combined with practical engineering, systematic analysis and theoretical discussion are carried out on the reliability evaluation, testing and evaluation of existing buildings and reinforcement design. The main research contents are as follows: (1) this paper introduces the necessity of structural testing and identification, the necessity of structural reinforcement design research and the development of relevant codes at home and abroad. This paper puts forward the significance of the current work of building inspection and appraisal and reinforcement design to the development of our country. (2) briefly and concisely introduces the process of reliability appraisal and rating of civil buildings, the relevant standards and rating requirements of appraisal. The rules that can be followed in the process of engineering structure testing and appraisal are summarized, and the corresponding relationship between failure probability and reliability index of existing building structures is introduced. This paper enumerates the new techniques of building structure design and the traditional seismic strengthening technology. (3) the testing methods and instruments used in the process of civil building inspection are listed. The data statistics and the analysis of the results of the material strength are introduced in detail. The JDJG module of PKPM finite element analysis software of China Academy of Architectural Sciences is used to check the compressive capacity of the structure, the seismic shear force of the wall and the seismic shear bearing capacity of the wall. According to the results, the comprehensive reliability rating of the project is carried out. (4) according to the present situation of the project and the result of the rating, the reinforcement and reconstruction design of the project is carried out by the method of adding section, and the reinforcement scheme is analyzed by using the PKPM software. The practice shows that the good reinforcement design must refer to the reliable and accurate appraisal report, and the reinforcement and reconstruction of the excellent structure has good economic and social benefits, which is in line with the great development trend of the construction industry nowadays. And the construction of resource-saving, environmental-friendly society. It is hoped that the testing and identification methods and reinforcement schemes in this paper will be of some reference value to the similar projects.


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