[Abstract]:The mountainous city of Chongqing has a multi-center urban form, which is the result of the natural evolution of the city over thousands of years, and is an appropriate state formed under the unique regional and cultural conditions. This urban form has special "organic nature" and inherent "natural meaning". The study of its connotation is of great significance to the healthy and rational development of Chongqing's urban space. In this paper, the author interprets the oriental and western cognition of "organic thought" in urban planning, the development course of theory and the practice of city, and reveals the fundamental philosophy and value orientation, as well as the formal connotation of "organic city form". Then, by studying the historical evolution and mechanism, modern characteristics and composition of the multi-center urban formation in Chongqing mountainous region, this paper reveals the "organic" gene contained in the historical and modern space of Chongqing urban form. The advantages and significance of this form structure in the development of urban space in modern Chongqing are discussed, and the strategy and prospect of how to maintain the organic form of the city are analyzed and prospected. The full text includes the introduction and six chapters. Introduction, from the research background, the research object and the definition of concept, the significance of studying the organic form of Chongqing mountainous multi-center city is discussed. Against the background of rapid urbanization in China, Chongqing must explore its own model. The second chapter explains the theory and connotation of "urban form theory" and "organic urban form". This paper first explains the connotation of "organic", then analyzes the context and influence of "organic" in the course of urban planning research in East and West, and combines the theory and practice of urban planning. Finally, it summarizes the basic value orientation, urban form elements and so on, which lays an objective theoretical basis and standard reference for the later research. The third chapter makes an in-depth study and analysis of the evolution process, stage characteristics and formation mechanism of Chongqing's ancient, modern and modern urban forms, and reveals the "organic" connotation of the evolution process of Chongqing mountainous multi-center urban formation. In the fourth chapter, starting with the study of modern multi-center group cities, the author analyzes the relevant research theories and urban cases, and expounds the process and characteristics of the formation of this urban form model. Then, the paper makes a systematic analysis on the form structure of mountainous multi-center cluster in modern city of Chongqing, and draws the conclusion that the form and structure of Chongqing city is unique and complex and cooperative "organic system". The fifth chapter evaluates the significance of the organic form of Chongqing city to the development of modern urban space. To the system of the city, from the macroscopic, mesoscopic, microcosmic space level and the social culture level, explained the meaning of this kind of form in Chongqing modern city development concretely. The sixth chapter analyzes the problems facing the organic form of Chongqing city under the background of high-speed urbanization, puts forward the strategy of maintaining the organic form, and puts forward the establishment of sustainable urban system by means of modern scientific and rational planning. Chapter seven summarizes the shortcomings and innovations of this paper, and puts forward the contents that need further study in the future.
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