[Abstract]:With the acceleration and progress of urbanization in China, urban overpasses and viaducts play a more and more important role in urban traffic, and the urban traffic network is gradually turning from plane to three-dimensional. As an important part of urban traffic network, urban overpass is not only an irreplaceable landscape in the overall urban landscape, but also an important position for people to feel the characteristics of urban development and social customs. Urban overpass greening refers to the design of plant greening based on the special site environment and ornamental characteristics of the city overpass, surrounding the overpass including the bridge body, the bridge body and the range around the bridge. The greening of urban flyovers is no longer just simple plane greening, but with the rise of urban flyovers, it forms a rich level of three-dimensional greening system. As an integral part of urban green space system, urban overpass green space is an important node in road greening and urban landscape. It plays an important role in the process of improving the urban ecological environment and shaping the overall urban landscape. In this paper, based on the reading of relevant documents, first of all, through the field investigation of the present situation of urban flyovers in Jinan, the green space of urban flyovers is classified and classified. The greening characteristics and existing problems of all kinds of green space of Jinan city overpass are summarized. Secondly, according to the unique site environment of Jinan city overpass, the greening plant species suitable for Jinan city overpass environment are selected through shade tolerance experiment and Delphi expert evaluation method. Finally, according to the characteristics of all kinds of green space of urban overpass, combined with the experiment and evaluation of the selected greening plant species, the scientific and reasonable urban overpass plant allocation model is put forward, and some urban overpass green space are selected. This paper analyzes the guiding role of the research results in landscape greening design, in order to achieve the organic combination of the research results and the actual projects, so as to verify the promotion value of the research results in this paper.
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