发布时间:2018-11-25 19:21
【摘要】:20世纪以来,随着社会、经济、文化多元化的发展,消费观的需求及数字化技术的影响,曲面建筑得到了空前的发展。现代建筑师也许是厌倦了太过理性的直观造型,不能忍受横平竖直的枯燥,借助计算机辅助设施,将连续流动的,,柔软的,多面性的形态及丰富的曲面化肌理定义在建筑之上。解除周边线型建筑的压抑,给人带来轻松、愉悦的感觉。通过强调人们的心理感受和与环境的完美融合获得越来越多的关注。 笔者从曲面表皮发展近况入手,以国内外已有的相关研究为理论依据,通过大量的实例分析,将曲面表皮定义为具有时代特色、在形态上具有自然特征、在技术上扮演节能的角色、在情感上契合地域性的创新性表皮。并从形态特征角度将曲面表皮分成几何曲面,双曲面,自由曲面三类。为曲面表皮的建构解析和多元化表达做铺垫。 曲面表皮的建构解析从曲面的形态特质与肌理特征两个大类进行探讨和研究。形态特质解析由创造性形态建构入手,将分析与变异、想象与重构、模仿与再生进行细分;肌理特征解析主要探究表皮表现出来的韵律节奏在人心理上的深刻映像。由构建肌理深入到曲面表皮的多元化表达,从材料上,情感上,技术上阐述曲面表皮的表现特征。辅以大量的实例图片,将曲面表皮的抽象概念具体化,生动化。 笔者通过以上的研究,最后提出如何融合曲面表皮与内部规整空间、如何解读曲面表皮自由飘逸与线性表皮典雅气质表现特征、如何应对曲面表皮施工难度并兼顾经济性问题。以反思的形式,对三者提出自己的见解与对策。以思辨性的眼光对待曲面表皮的发展变化。
[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, with the development of social, economic and cultural diversity, the demand of consumption view and the influence of digital technology, curved surface architecture has been developed unprecedentedly. Modern architects may be tired of too rational a visual form, can not endure the horizontal vertical boring, with the aid of computer-assisted facilities, the continuous flow, soft, multi-faceted shape and rich curved texture on the building. The relief of the surrounding linear building depression, to bring a relaxed, pleasant feeling. By emphasizing people's psychological feelings and perfect integration with the environment, more and more attention has been paid. The author starts with the recent development of surface epidermis, based on the relevant research at home and abroad, through a large number of examples, defines the surface skin as having the characteristics of the times and natural features in form. It plays the role of energy saving in technology, and adapts to the innovative skin of region in emotion. The surface is divided into three types: geometric surface, hyperboloid and free surface. It lays the groundwork for the construction and analysis of surface epidermis and the diversification of expression. Surface epidermis construction analysis from the surface shape and texture characteristics of two major categories of research and research. The analysis of morphological characteristics begins with the construction of creative form, subdividing the analysis and variation, imagination and reconstruction, imitation and regeneration; the texture analysis mainly explores the deep reflection of the rhythmic rhythm of the epidermis in human psychology. From the construction of texture to the diversified expression of surface epidermis, the characteristics of surface epidermis are expounded from material, emotion and technology. With a large number of examples, the surface of the abstract concept of concrete, vivid. Through the above research, the author puts forward how to combine the surface epidermis with the inner regular space, how to interpret the surface free flowing and linear epidermis elegant temperament, how to deal with the surface construction difficulty and take into account the economic problems. In the form of reflection, the three put forward their own views and countermeasures. The development and change of surface epidermis are treated with a speculative view.
[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, with the development of social, economic and cultural diversity, the demand of consumption view and the influence of digital technology, curved surface architecture has been developed unprecedentedly. Modern architects may be tired of too rational a visual form, can not endure the horizontal vertical boring, with the aid of computer-assisted facilities, the continuous flow, soft, multi-faceted shape and rich curved texture on the building. The relief of the surrounding linear building depression, to bring a relaxed, pleasant feeling. By emphasizing people's psychological feelings and perfect integration with the environment, more and more attention has been paid. The author starts with the recent development of surface epidermis, based on the relevant research at home and abroad, through a large number of examples, defines the surface skin as having the characteristics of the times and natural features in form. It plays the role of energy saving in technology, and adapts to the innovative skin of region in emotion. The surface is divided into three types: geometric surface, hyperboloid and free surface. It lays the groundwork for the construction and analysis of surface epidermis and the diversification of expression. Surface epidermis construction analysis from the surface shape and texture characteristics of two major categories of research and research. The analysis of morphological characteristics begins with the construction of creative form, subdividing the analysis and variation, imagination and reconstruction, imitation and regeneration; the texture analysis mainly explores the deep reflection of the rhythmic rhythm of the epidermis in human psychology. From the construction of texture to the diversified expression of surface epidermis, the characteristics of surface epidermis are expounded from material, emotion and technology. With a large number of examples, the surface of the abstract concept of concrete, vivid. Through the above research, the author puts forward how to combine the surface epidermis with the inner regular space, how to interpret the surface free flowing and linear epidermis elegant temperament, how to deal with the surface construction difficulty and take into account the economic problems. In the form of reflection, the three put forward their own views and countermeasures. The development and change of surface epidermis are treated with a speculative view.
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