发布时间:2018-12-24 14:40
【摘要】:近年来,高强混凝土正得到日益广泛的应用,用高强箍筋约束高强混凝土,一方面能对混凝土起到更有效的约束作用,以改善高强混凝土的脆性,提高其强度和延性,改善结构的抗震性能;另一方面还可提高钢筋混凝土构件的抗剪承载力,节约钢材。因此,高强箍筋约束高强混凝土的研究具有重要意义。 节点作为框架结构中的一个重要部件,是框架梁柱的传力枢纽,也是框架的薄弱环节,本文采用试验研究、理论分析和数值模拟相结合的研究方法,对高强箍筋约束钢筋混凝土框架节点进行了深入的研究,主要内容包括:对5个高强箍筋混凝土梁柱节点试件进行伪静力试验研究,分析高强箍筋对节点抗震性能的影响,并考虑配箍形式和配箍率对节点抗剪承载力、延性及耗能能力的影响;基于修正压力场基本理论,建立梁柱节点抗剪分析模型,对国内外已完成的86个节点试验试件及本文试验试件进行抗剪分析,并考虑混凝土强度、轴压比、配箍率及箍筋强度等参数的影响,,对比理论结果与试验结果,验证节点抗剪分析模型的可靠性;基于OpenSees结构非线性分析软件平台,建立适用于高强箍筋混凝土梁柱节点的有限元分析模型,并对本文试验试件进行非线性分析模拟,对比模拟结果和试验结果,验证模型可靠性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, high strength concrete (HSC) has been widely used. On the one hand, high strength stirrups can restrain the concrete more effectively, so as to improve the brittleness, strength and ductility of HSC. Improving the seismic performance of the structure; On the other hand, it can improve the shear capacity of reinforced concrete members and save steel. Therefore, the study of high strength concrete confined by high strength stirrups is of great significance. As an important part of frame structure, joint is the transmission hub of frame Liang Zhu and the weak link of frame. In this paper, experimental research, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are adopted. Deep research on reinforced concrete frame joints with high strength stirrups is carried out. The main contents are as follows: the pseudostatic test of five specimens of Liang Zhu joints with high strength stirrups is carried out, and the influence of high strength stirrups on the seismic behavior of joints is analyzed. The effects of hoop form and hoop ratio on shear capacity ductility and energy dissipation capacity of joints are considered. Based on the basic theory of modified pressure field, the shear analysis model of Liang Zhu joint is established, and the shear resistance of 86 joint test specimens and the test specimens in this paper are analyzed, and the concrete strength and axial compression ratio are taken into account. The effect of hoop ratio and stirrups strength on the reliability of the shear analysis model is verified by comparing the theoretical results with the experimental results. Based on the OpenSees structural nonlinear analysis software platform, a finite element analysis model for Liang Zhu joints of high-strength stirrups concrete is established. The nonlinear analysis and simulation of the test specimens are carried out, and the simulation results are compared with the experimental results. Verify the reliability of the model.
[Abstract]:In recent years, high strength concrete (HSC) has been widely used. On the one hand, high strength stirrups can restrain the concrete more effectively, so as to improve the brittleness, strength and ductility of HSC. Improving the seismic performance of the structure; On the other hand, it can improve the shear capacity of reinforced concrete members and save steel. Therefore, the study of high strength concrete confined by high strength stirrups is of great significance. As an important part of frame structure, joint is the transmission hub of frame Liang Zhu and the weak link of frame. In this paper, experimental research, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are adopted. Deep research on reinforced concrete frame joints with high strength stirrups is carried out. The main contents are as follows: the pseudostatic test of five specimens of Liang Zhu joints with high strength stirrups is carried out, and the influence of high strength stirrups on the seismic behavior of joints is analyzed. The effects of hoop form and hoop ratio on shear capacity ductility and energy dissipation capacity of joints are considered. Based on the basic theory of modified pressure field, the shear analysis model of Liang Zhu joint is established, and the shear resistance of 86 joint test specimens and the test specimens in this paper are analyzed, and the concrete strength and axial compression ratio are taken into account. The effect of hoop ratio and stirrups strength on the reliability of the shear analysis model is verified by comparing the theoretical results with the experimental results. Based on the OpenSees structural nonlinear analysis software platform, a finite element analysis model for Liang Zhu joints of high-strength stirrups concrete is established. The nonlinear analysis and simulation of the test specimens are carried out, and the simulation results are compared with the experimental results. Verify the reliability of the model.
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