[Abstract]:The use of reduced order model for fluid is one of the commonly used methods to improve the computational efficiency in fluid-solid coupling calculation, but the dimensionality of the model is reduced by using the reduced order model. Or the inconsistency between full-order model data and reduced-order model equation will affect the accuracy of reduced-order model. In this paper, the reduced order model of convection-solid coupling problem is studied by introducing artificial vorticity constant and genetic algorithm. Firstly, based on Galerkin projection method and eigenorthogonal decomposition method, the reduced order model of fluid is obtained by projecting to the most important eigenmode space. Then artificial vortex is introduced to correct the coefficients of the reduced model, and the genetic algorithm is used to estimate the coefficients of the model. In this paper, the modified reduced order model is applied to the analysis of typical fluid-solid coupling problems. The changes of displacement and force before and after correction and the error changes of reduced-order model before and after correction are compared. The results show that the accuracy and efficiency of the modified reduced model are greatly improved. It is proved that the necessity of order reduction model correction and the effectiveness of this method.
【作者单位】: 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51108345) 同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室开放基金项目(SLDRCE-MB-04) 辽宁省教育厅基金一般项目(L2013134)
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