发布时间:2019-01-24 13:18
【摘要】:建筑物服役环境中的氯离子渗入混凝土内部,逐步在混凝二土结构内部扩散、积聚至饱和浓度,引起钢筋锈蚀,降低混凝土结构承载力。如何高效、快捷地评价氯离子在混凝土结构中的扩散行为已成为国内外学者关注的热点。为高效、快捷地评价混凝土结构氯离子渗透性,开展混凝土结构氯离子渗透性无损检测方法的研究工作势在必行。纵观国内外有关水泥基材料渗透性的影响因素和测试方法的研究现状,本文在国家自然科学基金资助下(项目编号:51178069),对多种水泥基材料的电阻率影响因素;混凝土材料导电性和氯离子渗透性的关系等方面开展试验和数值研究。研究工作主要包括以下内容: 1.水泥基材料导电性影响因素研究。通过电阻试验,对试验数据进行数据分析,探讨水灰比、龄期、初始氯离子含量、服役环境等因素对水泥基材料导电性的影响。 2.氯离子在混凝土材料中渗透性影响因素研究。通过RCM快速氯离子扩散试验,分析环境中氯离子浓度、荷载对混凝土材料氯离子渗透性的影响。 3.混凝土材料氯离子渗透性和导电性的相关关系研究。通过电阻率测试试验和RCM快速氯离子扩散试验,分析处于不同的养护、服役环境的混凝土试件的氯离子渗透性和导电性的变化规律,探讨混凝土试件的氯离子渗透性和导电性的相关关系。 4.氯离子在混凝土中扩散性预测研究。运用Comsol Multiphysics和Matlab软件预测混凝土试件氯离子渗透性,验证Fick第二定律和BP神经网络预测混凝土试件氯离子渗透性的准确性。
[Abstract]:The chloride ions in the service environment of buildings infiltrate into the concrete, and gradually diffuse in the concrete structure, accumulate to saturation concentration, cause the corrosion of steel bar and reduce the bearing capacity of concrete structure. How to evaluate the diffusion behavior of chloride ions in concrete structures efficiently and quickly has become a hot topic for scholars at home and abroad. In order to evaluate the chloride ion permeability of concrete structure efficiently and quickly, it is imperative to develop the nondestructive testing method of chloride ion permeability of concrete structure. In this paper, with the aid of the National Natural Science Foundation (project No.: 51178069), the influence factors on the resistivity of cement based materials are analyzed, which are related to the influencing factors and testing methods of cement based materials at home and abroad. Experiments and numerical studies have been carried out on the relationship between conductivity and chloride ion permeability of concrete materials. The research work mainly includes the following contents: 1. Study on the influencing factors of conductivity of cement-based materials. Through the resistance test, the data of the test data were analyzed, and the influence of water cement ratio, age, initial chlorine ion content and service environment on the conductivity of cement based materials were discussed. 2. Study on the factors affecting the permeability of chloride ions in concrete materials. The influence of chloride concentration and load on chloride ion permeability of concrete was analyzed by RCM rapid chloride diffusion test. 3. Study on the relationship between chloride ion permeability and conductivity of concrete materials. By means of resistivity test and RCM rapid chloride diffusion test, the variation of chloride ion permeability and conductivity of concrete specimens in different curing and service environments are analyzed. The relationship between chloride ion permeability and electrical conductivity of concrete specimens is discussed. 4. Prediction of the diffusivity of chloride ions in concrete. The Comsol Multiphysics and Matlab software were used to predict the chloride ion permeability of concrete specimens, and the accuracy of the second law of Fick and BP neural network for predicting the chloride ion permeability of concrete specimens was verified.
[Abstract]:The chloride ions in the service environment of buildings infiltrate into the concrete, and gradually diffuse in the concrete structure, accumulate to saturation concentration, cause the corrosion of steel bar and reduce the bearing capacity of concrete structure. How to evaluate the diffusion behavior of chloride ions in concrete structures efficiently and quickly has become a hot topic for scholars at home and abroad. In order to evaluate the chloride ion permeability of concrete structure efficiently and quickly, it is imperative to develop the nondestructive testing method of chloride ion permeability of concrete structure. In this paper, with the aid of the National Natural Science Foundation (project No.: 51178069), the influence factors on the resistivity of cement based materials are analyzed, which are related to the influencing factors and testing methods of cement based materials at home and abroad. Experiments and numerical studies have been carried out on the relationship between conductivity and chloride ion permeability of concrete materials. The research work mainly includes the following contents: 1. Study on the influencing factors of conductivity of cement-based materials. Through the resistance test, the data of the test data were analyzed, and the influence of water cement ratio, age, initial chlorine ion content and service environment on the conductivity of cement based materials were discussed. 2. Study on the factors affecting the permeability of chloride ions in concrete materials. The influence of chloride concentration and load on chloride ion permeability of concrete was analyzed by RCM rapid chloride diffusion test. 3. Study on the relationship between chloride ion permeability and conductivity of concrete materials. By means of resistivity test and RCM rapid chloride diffusion test, the variation of chloride ion permeability and conductivity of concrete specimens in different curing and service environments are analyzed. The relationship between chloride ion permeability and electrical conductivity of concrete specimens is discussed. 4. Prediction of the diffusivity of chloride ions in concrete. The Comsol Multiphysics and Matlab software were used to predict the chloride ion permeability of concrete specimens, and the accuracy of the second law of Fick and BP neural network for predicting the chloride ion permeability of concrete specimens was verified.
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1 明静;张亚梅;孙伟;;Permit法研究氯离子渗透性及其与混凝土孔隙率的关系(英文)[J];硅酸盐学报;2010年09期
2 史美伦,张雄,吴科如;混凝土中氯离子渗透性测定的电化学方法[J];硅酸盐通报;1998年06期
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