[Abstract]:Since the founding of "Journal of Architecture", the Chinese architectural research has gone through 60 years of history, has faithfully recorded the historical imagination and feelings of generation after generation of architects, and accumulated extremely precious historical documents. This topic is a collection of current representative research results, but also a tribute to the founder of this magazine, Mr. Liang Sicheng, to remember him and many of his predecessors for the academic growth of Chinese architectural history and contributions to the painstaking efforts and contributions. The 11 articles published in this topic revolve around the theme of "the History of Chinese Architecture and its academic History", which includes an overall picture of the research trend of domestic architectural history in the past 10 years, as well as an overall picture of Le Jiaxao, Zhu Qiqian, Liang Sicheng, A new comment on the architectural historiography thought of Liu Dunzhen and Lin Huiyin; There is also the localization study of "local people talking about local things" by South China scholars, which is a summary of the 30-year study of South China folk houses and the concrete spatial experiment of Tangjiawan.
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