发布时间:2019-04-10 17:19
【摘要】:魏晋南北朝是在中国历史中是一个动荡的历史时期,公元220年——公元589年是中国历史上政权更迭最频繁的时期,但国家间争斗频发,朝代的更迭变换频繁,黎民百姓民苦不堪言。同时这又是多种艺术的学说大融合的时期,这段时期绘画艺术作品取得了辉煌的成就,涌现出如顾恺之、宗炳等一大批的著名画家及其理论著作如《士衡论画》、《平南论画》、《颜氏家训·论画》、《魏晋胜流画赞》、《述画记》、《古画品录》、《续画品并序》、《后画录》、《画云台山记》、《画山水序》、《叙画》、《山水松石格》共11部画论著作。 本文探讨魏晋南北朝画论对园林的影响。寻找画论与中国古典园林的联系和纽带,发掘两者深层次关系。首先,对魏晋南北朝时期的画论进行全面梳理和翻译,其次,,对画论进行人文观、审美观、山水观三个方向视角分析园林。最后,总结出魏晋南北朝画论在三个方面与中国古典园林关系,并对中国传统审美的形成与发展产生深远影响。 顾恺之、宗炳、王微的山水画论,谢赫的“六法论”等在中国美学史上有重要的地位,中国古典园林时期的绘画艺术和园林建设充分表现了魏晋南北朝时期的审美寓意和倾向,为中国山水理论的形成奠定了坚实的基础,对绘画艺术及其园林发展具有深远的影响。
[Abstract]:The Northern and Southern Dynasties in the Wei and Jin Dynasties is a turbulent historical period in the history of China. In AD 220, AD 589 is the most frequent period in the history of China, but the intercountry struggle is frequent, the change of the dynasties is frequently changed, and the people of the people of the people are suffering. At the same time, it is a period of great integration of the theory of various art, and the painting works of art have made great achievements, and a large number of famous painters such as Gu and Zong-ming and other famous painters and their theoretical works, such as the "Painting of Shiheng", "Painting of the South of the South", "Yan's Family Training 路 On-the-painting", are emerging. . On the Shadow of the Landscape in the Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties Sound. Find the relation and link between the painting theory and the Chinese classical garden, and discover the deep level of the two. The first is to make a thorough analysis and translation of the painting theory in the Wei and Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, and secondly, to analyze the garden in three directions: the humanistic view, the aesthetic and the landscape view of the painting theory. In the end, the paper sums up the relationship between the three aspects of the Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Chinese classical garden, and has a far-reaching effect on the formation and development of Chinese traditional aesthetic In the history of Chinese aesthetics, the art of painting and the construction of the garden show the aesthetic meaning of the period of Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. and has a profound foundation for the formation of the Chinese landscape theory, and has a far-reaching influence on the painting art and the development of the garden
[Abstract]:The Northern and Southern Dynasties in the Wei and Jin Dynasties is a turbulent historical period in the history of China. In AD 220, AD 589 is the most frequent period in the history of China, but the intercountry struggle is frequent, the change of the dynasties is frequently changed, and the people of the people of the people are suffering. At the same time, it is a period of great integration of the theory of various art, and the painting works of art have made great achievements, and a large number of famous painters such as Gu and Zong-ming and other famous painters and their theoretical works, such as the "Painting of Shiheng", "Painting of the South of the South", "Yan's Family Training 路 On-the-painting", are emerging. . On the Shadow of the Landscape in the Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties Sound. Find the relation and link between the painting theory and the Chinese classical garden, and discover the deep level of the two. The first is to make a thorough analysis and translation of the painting theory in the Wei and Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, and secondly, to analyze the garden in three directions: the humanistic view, the aesthetic and the landscape view of the painting theory. In the end, the paper sums up the relationship between the three aspects of the Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Chinese classical garden, and has a far-reaching effect on the formation and development of Chinese traditional aesthetic In the history of Chinese aesthetics, the art of painting and the construction of the garden show the aesthetic meaning of the period of Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. and has a profound foundation for the formation of the Chinese landscape theory, and has a far-reaching influence on the painting art and the development of the garden
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