[Abstract]:With the rapid development of national economy and urbanization in China, large and complex modern buildings have sprung up one after another, and fire safety is facing many new problems. The fire risk of high-rise buildings is much greater than that of ordinary buildings because of its large number of stories, large volume and concentrated personnel. Once a fire occurs, it will bring unimaginable casualties and economic losses to our country. Therefore, the fire risk evaluation of high-rise buildings will help to determine and eliminate the major fire hidden dangers, can effectively prevent and control the occurrence of building fire accidents, and provide an effective basis for performance-based fire prevention design and safety management. The study of this paper has certain practical significance. According to the characteristics of high-rise building fire, the fire risk evaluation index system of high-rise building is established according to the principles of systematization, scientificity, stability and maneuverability, and the fire risk of high-rise building is analyzed in this paper. Applying the fuzzy mathematics theory and combining it with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the fuzzy hierarchical comprehensive evaluation method is introduced into the fire risk assessment of high-rise buildings. According to the principle of fuzzy hierarchical comprehensive evaluation method, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of high-rise building fire risk assessment is established, and its scientific and effectiveness is proved by an example.
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